•Chapter 32• Longing for Home

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Orlando stood outside by himself. He leaned against a tree with his arms folded over his chest. He lifted his chin up to look at the blanket of stars. The pale crescent moon was shining like a silvery claw. Much like the ones the werewolves have. He never thought he would make that comparison. It's insane to think that, only a few weeks ago, he could only dream of being here. A new, unknown world. And the creatures that were around him only existed in tales. Oh, how much everyone loved those tales. And the one who told them. "Mister Antonio?" A little girl called out. The old man lifted his head. "Yes?" He replied. "Could you tell us another story?" She asked him, "Please?" She added. Antonio smiled at her little voice. "Of course." He answered. Orlando smiled and started to walk away, not being in the mood for a story tonight. "Orlando, my boy," Antonio called out. Orlando let out a quiet sigh. He turned around again. "Yes?" He replied. "What kind of story would you like to hear tonight?" He asked him. "Pick the elves!" Elliot called out from the back. "No! Pick the pirate's story!" The little girl, from earlier, said. Antonio held up his hand. "Orlando can pick the story." He tells the children. "I don't feel like another story-" Orlando started. Antonio let out a chuckle. "Of course, you don't feel like hearing another story." Antonio started. The old man turned his head back to the crowd. "Orlando has already heard so many of these stories already," Antonio informs the people, "So why don't I tell you another story tonight? One that I have never told anyone before." Antonio suggested. All the little kids got excited and Orlando leaned against the wall. He folded his arms over his chest as he listened to the story. Antonio cleared his throat. "I have told you all of the worlds that lie beyond the walls. I told you about the people and their powers. But, there is one thing I haven't told you yet." He said, "It's something you must not tell anyone. Ever." He added. The children all nodded their heads as they listened closely to every word. Orlando wondered if Antonio was still alive. The old man did help him escape. Erix was not a big fan of disobedience. Everyone knew that. Especially after he literally carved out Antonio's eyes. Orlando hated to admit it but he sometimes longed for Andillar. More importantly, he missed the people he interacted with and took care of. How would little Elliot be doing? Orlando actually felt bad for leaving them all behind. Yes, he was a thief. Yes, he wasn't all good. But he cared for the people around him. Maybe he was an Adelio after all. Basil Adelio cared for his people no matter what the cost. He might've made some wrong decisions along the way but he did care.

A twig snapped next to him. Orlando turned his head towards the sound with his hand on his sword. Serena stepped into the light. "It's just me." She said. Orlando returned a smile and removed his hand from the handle of his sword. "What are you doing here all by yourself?" Serena asked. Orlando shrugged. "I needed some time to think." He answered. Serena stepped closer to him. "You miss your home, don't you?" She questioned. Orlando nodded slowly. "I'm worried about my people." He answered. "I understand that," Serena replied. Orlando rested his elbow against the tree. He then rested his head against his hand. He let out a sigh before turning to the elven princess. "Why are you here? Didn't your father want to speak with you?" He asked her. Serena rolled her eyes. "He mostly complained about how bad the wolves are and how I'm foolish for trusting them." She explained, "So, yeah, talking." She added. "He still can't put that aside, huh?" Orlando asked. Serena shook her head and folded her arms over her chest. "He blames them for my mother's death till this day." She explained, "I told him he couldn't use that as an excuse." She added. Orlando hissed slightly. "I bet he didn't like that." He said. Serena shook her head again. "No, he did not." She replied. The elven princess glanced over her shoulder to look at the camp. Asher, Hayes, and Misty were sitting together by the fire. Chatting. "My father doesn't like this at all." She added. Orlando followed her gaze. His eyes fell on the trio sitting by the fire as well. Serena turned to him. "I never thanked you." She spoke up. Orlando furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her. "For what?" He asked. "Well, first of all, for saving my life." She explained. She stepped closer to him. She carefully placed her hand on his shoulder. She looked back at her brother. "And for teaching us how to put our differences aside and work together. If it wasn't for you we'd be slaughtering one another. And it would only be a matter of time before Andillar got involved." She explained to him. Orlando chuckled. "There's no way I prevented all of that." He said. "Alright, maybe you didn't prevent all of that." She replied, "not yet." She added. Orlando smiled at her. "You know, I should be thanking you for giving me a chance. You could've killed me weeks ago." He pointed out. "I almost did," Serena replied. Orlando nodded and smiled as he remembered the day he met Serena. "I'm still debating whether or not I've made the right decision." She said quietly. Orlando's eyes widened in shock. Serena laughed and nudged his shoulder with hers. "I'm joking." She quickly replied. 

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something important," Serena tells him. Orlando's expression turned more serious. "We need to get into that castle," Serena tells him. Orlando furrowed his eyebrows again. "Are you insane? You just got out of that place. And we barely got past the defenses." He reminds her. "That's why we need a plan that doesn't involve my father. Or Remus." She said quietly. Orlando narrowed his eyes. "And why do you want to go back?" He asked her. "One, you're the rightful heir to the throne. And two, there's a magical object in the castle that we need." She explained. "And who's we?" Orlando asked her. Serena looked him in the eyes. "You, me, my brother," Serena answered simply. "Asher and Misty?" Orlando questioned. Serena nodded. "If they don't turn their backs on us, yes." She answered. Orlando smiled at her proudly. Only a few days ago she would've gladly killed both of them. And now she was willing to include them in their quest and possible victory. "Serena," A weak voice spoke from behind them. Both Serena and Orlando turned their heads towards the voice. Orlando quickly moved his hand to grasp his weapon. Serena narrowed her eyes as she looked into the darkness. But she recognized the voice. But that was impossible. "Valeria?" Serena questioned. The mermaid, who was no longer half fish, stepped into the light. Serena puts her hand over Orlando's, telling him to stand down. Valeria almost tripped over her feet as she walked. Serena quickly stepped in, supporting Valeria with her body. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "My mother found out about the vision I created. She sent my brother after me. He can't follow me here easily." The mermaid explained. Serena looked at her friend. "But what about the-" She started. "I'll be fine." Valeria cut her off. Orlando furrowed his eyebrows. "Alright, not to be rude, but wasn't she a fish?" Orlando questioned. Valeria looked at him. "I am, sweetheart." She smiled at him. As soon as they reached the others, Hayes glanced up at his sister. His eyes widened and he stood up, pulling out his weapon. "What's she doing here?" He asked. "Stand down, Hayes. Give us some room." His sister ordered. 

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