•Chapter 38• Brothers Fight

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"Are you insane?!" Asher yelled at him. Hayes growled and tightened his grip on his sword.  The young werewolf raised his hand to wipe the blood off his face. The elven prince had made a nice clean cut. The cut was located over the bridge of his nose and just under his eye. By trying to wipe away the blood, he smeared it all over his cheek. "Are you trying to kill me?!" The werewolf added. His voice was loud and rough. Hayes jumped up and swung his sword at the werewolf again. Asher grabbed Hayes' sword's blade with both hands, stopping the elf's attack. Blood started to trail down both the blade and Asher's arm. When Hayes tried to push the blade further down Asher resisted. The weapon only dug deeper into the werewolf's skin. "Are you in love with her?" Hayes asked him. Asher growled and pushed the elf away from him. Hayes quickly recovered and made his way back towards Asher. The two walked around each other in circles. "Are you in love with her?!" Hayes repeated. Asher throws his hands in the air. He didn't know what to do or what to say. "What do you want me to say? You'll cut my head off nonetheless!" Asher replied. Hayes pointed his weapon at the werewolf again. "Only if you say the wrong words." He tells him. His voice was calmer than a few seconds ago. Maybe it was silence before the storm hits. Or just silence before Asher loses his head. The werewolf sighs. What he felt for Serena was new. Was it love? Was it friendship? He used to hate her. He wasn't sure what it was. "Well?!" Hayes exclaimed. 

Asher let out another sigh. "I don't know." He replied. Hayes shook his head. "Lies." He said. "I'm not lying. I don't know what this is that I'm feeling. I can't explain it!" Asher said. Hayes swung his sword at him again. "You're lying!" He yelled. Asher grabbed his sword by the blade again. But instead of just holding it, he tossed it away. "I told you I wouldn't hit on your sister. Not like that!" He added. "Then what was that? Back there? In the water? What was that?!" Hayes asked him. "Why can't you admit it?" He whispered. "Admit what, exactly?" Serena asked him. The young werewolf smirked. "The fact that you like me." He whispered. Serena raised her eyebrows. "Like you?" She snickered. She turned to look at him. "Yes, admit it. You like me." Asher challenged her. Serena laughed and squeezed some more water from her clothes. "Did Misty whisper this to you or something?" She questioned. Asher grasped her wrist tightly. "Serena," he said. His tone had something sweet to it but also something desperate. As if he was reaching out to her. Calling her. Serena looked him in the eyes. Asher's eyes moved from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes. He moved closer to her. Serena responded by placing her hands on his chest again. "We can't." She whispered. The young werewolf furrowed his eyebrows. "We can't?" He asked, "Or you don't want to?" He added. Serena took another glance into his brown eyes. "We can't." She repeated, "It's not the way." She continued. Before Asher could respond, he heard someone approach them from behind. Serena must have picked up the sound as well because she broke their eye contact and focused her eyes on something else. Asher turned his head to reveal Misty. "Did I interrupt something?" She asked. Serena stepped away from the werewolf in front of her. "No," She said, "You didn't." She added. Misty made eyes at Asher, wiggling her eyebrows a little. "Shut up," Asher tells her.

Asher shook his head. "She stopped it before anything happened." He quickly said. Hayes stepped closer to him. "Yeah, she did. But what did you do?" He asked. Asher didn't respond. "I thought you were my friend. Or at least that we were becoming friends." He spoke, "But you hit on my sister?" He questioned. "Your sister's not a baby anymore! She can make her own decisions." Asher reminds him, "And we can be friends. But you almost cut my head off three seconds ago!" He exclaimed. Before Hayes could respond, Misty appeared. She eyed the two boys up and down. "Am I interrupting again?" She asked. Hayes turned to her, walking towards her. "No, not at all." He said. When the elf had passed her, Misty focused on Asher. "What's your deal?" She asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at her. "Since when are you into pointy ears?" She asked him jokingly. Asher rolled his eyes at her. They both turned around to make their way back to the others. "Just so you guys know, you were gone for a while. We thought you two were either dead or taken by Erix. So I suggest you two start walking." She tells them both. It didn't take long for them to reach the others. Serena glared at her brother. "Where have you been?" She asked him, "We thought you were taken!" She complained. Hayes glanced over his shoulder to look at Asher. "We were just having a chat." He explained. Serena's eyes moved towards Asher. Misty also looked at him again. "Then you must've had some harsh comebacks. Look at that cut on his face." Orlando said sarcastically.

Serena looked at the young man standing next to her. She had a judgemental look on her face. "What?" He asked. Serena sighed and shook her head. She turned her head to Valeria. "Can you-" She started. Valeria holds up her hands. "If I could, don't you think I would've done it already?" She asked her friend. Serena sighed. Orlando put his hand on her shoulder. "We should start moving." He tells her. Serena nodded. "I know." She said, "We'll be close behind you." She tells them. Orlando nodded and moved to Hayes. He pulled the elf along with him before he could yell at his sister again. Serena stood in front of Asher. She placed her hand over the wound. And when she removed her hand, the wound was gone. "Thanks, Princess," Asher whispered. "No need to thank me." She smiled at him. "You know, he tried to cut off my head," Asher tells her. "Then maybe you shouldn't have tried to kiss me." She replied. Asher smirked at her. "I tried to kiss you? Who clung onto me for dear life?" he chuckled. Serena rolled her eyes and turned around. Asher followed her closely. He leaned down to her ear as they walked. "I never said I was complaining." He whispered.

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