•Chapter 4• A Whole New world

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Andillar was now far behind him. The young man kept riding his horse towards his freedom. Although, this new world didn't seem as lovely as he expected. The further he traveled, the more depressed the lands became. Is this what the humans had done all those years ago? Did they burn everything to the ground, destroy everything, to build an empire? Orlando had been traveling for hours. He could no longer see the royal guards chasing him. Eventually, he reached a small river. He hopped off the horse, guiding it and himself to the water. The horse lowered its head, immediately starting to drink the water. Orlando scanned his surroundings to see if any guards had caught up with them. He couldn't see anyone allowing him to let his guard down. He turned to the river himself, drinking the water from the river. After taking a few sips, Orlando looked up at his horse. He gently moved his hand over the animal's body. "You're hungry, aren't you?" He asked the animal. He puts up a weak smile and scanned their surroundings once again. "Don't worry, I'll find us something to eat." He tells the horse. Orlando climbed back onto his horse. He slowly started to ride towards another hill. What was beyond it, he did not expect. In the distance, he could see trees. A lot of them. His eyes widened. "It's a forest." He whispered. He leaned down to the horse's ears. "I bet we can find some food there, don't you?" he said. 

Meanwhile, back in Andillar, Antonio was tossed into the Emperor's chamber. Erix stood by the window again. Antonio slowly started to crawl back upon his feet. "Emperor." The old man started. "Where is he?" Erix asked him. "Sir, I don't know-" Antonio started. "Do I have to remind you what happened the last time you didn't listen to me?" Erix cut him off. The man screamed at the top of his lungs. Erix turned around to look at the man. Antonio was strapped down to the wooden table standing in the middle of the room. Erix leaned on the table. He looked down to look Antonio in the eyes. "You know why you're here, right?" Erix questioned. "I did nothing wrong," Antonio replied. "You broke the rules. You do not speak of the outside world. And you don't speak of Emperor Adelio with such hate." Erix said. "I am not allowed to tell stories to the children on the streets? The children who have nothing! I give them hope! Something to live for!" Antonio exclaimed. Erix let out a chuckle. "Hope?" He started, "You fill their heads with nonsense!" Erix yelled at him. "I give them something to live for after you took everything away from them!" Antonio barked back at him. Erix stood back up. He waved his hand at the guards. One of them walked up to Antonio. He pulled out a dagger. "Last chance, Antonio," Erix said. "I won't apologize," Antonio said coldly. Erix gave a slight nod to the guard standing on the other side of the table. The guard raised the dagger and stuck it into Antonio's eye. After twitching the knife around a few times, the guard finally managed to pull out the eyeball from its socket. Antonio never stopped screaming. "The other one too," Erix ordered. The guard moved the dagger over to Antonio's other eye. He stuck the blade into the other eyeball. "This is what happens to people who do not obey the rules! My rules!" The emperor exclaimed. "What do you want? Did I disobey your rules again, sir?" Antonio asked. "Of course you did," Erix started, "But that is not why you're here," Erix added. The emperor turned around. "The boy escaped. And I need to know where he's going." Erix tells him. "I have no idea where he is," Antonio replies. "Oh, come on, you have been telling him stories ever since he was a little boy." Erix said, "You must have an idea of where he's going." He added. "I don't," Antonio replied. 

Beyond the walls, Orlando was slowly riding into the forest. It seemed very dark. The tall trees were covering the sunlight. But his horse was trying to avoid going into the forest. "Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" Orlando questioned. The horse stopped walking right then and there. Orlando leaned closer to the horse's ear. "Hey, there is no need to be afraid. We're just going to look for some food." He assured the animal. Eventually, Orlando was able to steer the horse into the forest. They rode for a good couple of minutes. As they were riding, Orlando could feel eyes watching him. He glanced over his shoulder to see if there might have been a guard. But he couldn't see anyone. Then, suddenly, an arrow was shot into the tree next to Orlando.Right next to his head. "We need to go. Weneed to go now!" He exclaimed. The horse started to ride off into the forest.He could hear something, or someone, following him. They were behind him and upin the trees. They were shooting arrows at him. Orlando nearly got nicked byone but managed to dodge it. His horse on the other hand wasn't as lucky. Thehorse was shot, causing it to collapse. Orlando was tossed off the saddle,landing in the dirt. Orlando groaned as he lay on the ground. He carefully satup. His eyes fell on his horse. He crawled towards it. "No, no, I am so sorry."He whispered. That's when Orlando felt something sharp and pointy poking at theback of his head. "Move and the arrow goes straight through your skull." Afemale voice threatened him. Orlando gulped as he holds up his hands.

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