•Chapter 48• Walls are Tumbling Down

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The young werewolf stepped in between the two boys. "If you two are done flirting with one another," She spoke up. Her best friend glared at her angrily. But Misty's eyes were focused on something else. Something in the distance. "What are you even -" Asher started. He turned his head to look at the walls of Andillar. They were cracking, actively cracking. You could hear people shouting and yelling. "What the hell?" Asher said. The three of them looked at each other for a split second before they turned their attention back to the wall in the distance.  Meanwhile, Serena was climbing down the walls of the emperor's home the same way she entered it. She had a perfect view of what was happening in the distance. Erix's guards were tearing down the walls. The walls were supposed to protect the people of Andillar. The stone boundary separated mankind from the rest of oceanum Collis. The citizens, who survived the emperor's fires, were trying to stop them. Someone had to stop them. This was insane. But the emperor had other ideas.

There he was, watching from the balcony. With Rachel by his side. Erix was holding her hand tightly. It was almost as if he was afraid to let go of her. The truth was that he never wanted her to leave him again. Never. She's the love of his life and she has returned to him. But she seemed somewhat confused about the situation. How was Erix able to do all this? He was just a simple man with no authority. How was he able to command the royal guard? "Erix?" Rachel spoke quietly. The emperor looked at his girlfriend with loving eyes. "What's going on here?" She asked him. Her voice sounded so little and so innocent. Erix just wanted to hold her tightly and protect her with all he had. "I mean, why are we even up here? How did we get in? What's happening?" Rachel rambled. Erix stepped closer to her. He placed his hands on her arms and tilted his head slightly. "Hey, hey," He said quietly. He wasn't allowed to tell her she died. He inhaled deeply. "Alright, baby, I'll tell you what happened." He tells her. He didn't want to lie to her, but he wouldn't risk losing her again. "When you left, you were attacked by some creature. I went after you and dragged you back inside the walls." He lied, "You've been out cold for about two months." He added. The poor girl believed his lies. "Why didn't you say so?" She asked. Erix sighed quietly. "I didn't want to freak you out. I know how frightened you can get of things like this. You're afraid of the dark or being held captive." He answered. Rachel smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you." She said. Erix returned the smile and pulled her closer. "That still doesn't explain why we're here," Rachel spoke quietly. "I kind of sneaked us in." Erix lied. His girlfriend smirked at him. "You're sneaky." She giggled.

"People are going to get killed if we don't get them away from those walls," Misty spoke up. Hayes looked at her. "I don't think we have to worry about what happens on the inside." He said. Misty furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" She questioned. Hayes turned to look at Asher. "How many of you were there again?" Hayes questioned. "Why are you asking?" Asher asked. The elven prince pushed his sword back into the holster. "Because I can sense my father getting closer. And I have a feeling yours is with him. Along with some of your dog friends." Hayes spoke up. The three of them became quiet. Over the sounds of the humans, beyond the walls, they could all hear them. Elves and werewolves had been gathered together to fight. Asher looked at his best friend. "We need to get those people away from there." He tells her. Misty nodded and inhaled deeply. "Do you, maybe, want some help with that?" A female voice spoke behind them. The trio turned around to see Serena approaching them. Hayes' eyes widened. "Serena." He said. Misty rushed over to the elven princess. She wrapped her arms around her. "You're okay." Misty sighed in relief. Everyone, including Serena, appeared to be surprised by her response. Serena carefully returned the embrace. When she pulled away, Misty looked her dead in the eyes. "Don't you dare leave me with them again." She threatened. Serena chuckled. "Trust me, I won't." She said. Hayes approached her as well. Serena looked at her brother. And he just broke down, eyes starting to water. He took his little sister into his arms as tightly as he could. Serena wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulders. "I thought you were dead," Hayes whispered to her. She shook her head. "Orlando saved me." She tells him. The siblings pulled away from their embrace. "Where is he?" Misty questioned. Serena shot a quick glance up at the emperor's house. "We have a lot of things to catch up on." She said.

Erix was now standing by himself. He could hear them. The creatures from outside. They would try to break in. 'Let them come' Erix thought to himself. He suddenly heard footsteps approaching behind him. Very quiet footsteps. "You shouldn't try to sneak up on people, boy. It's not polite." Erix said. Orlando got closer to the emperor. He held onto his weapon as tightly as he could. "Hunting a child and taking his family is also not very polite." The young man replied. The emperor continued to look at the view in front of him. The walls were high, but standing up on this balcony, you could see just over the stones and vines. A small line was shown of the outside world. Of freedom. Orlando slowly drew nearer. "You're here to kill me, aren't you?" Erix questioned. Orlando now had the tip of his sword pressed against the emperor's back, just against his spine. But the man didn't flinch. "If you really want to kill me, son, then you should've brought that friend of yours," Erix added. "This is not her fight. It's mine." Orlando said. The emperor turned to look at the young man. "You don't really believe you can kill me." He asked him, "You're just a scared little boy. With a sword." He added. His tone was manipulative and intimidating. Although, it didn't have any effect on Orlando. "Let's end this, shall we? Once and for all." Orlando said. "For the throne?" Erix questioned, "You want to risk your life for a chair?" He added. "You did once," Orlando replied. The emperor let out a chuckle. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, son." He said. "That throne belongs to me. And like it or not, I will take it from you." Orlando threatened. 

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