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"Good bye and take care,Yeseul"

Sighed. Today is done. I can't wait to go home. I can't pretend to be fake any longer anymore. It's tiring.

I want to cry. I want to throw up the food that I just ate earlier...

"Hello,little kitty. Why are you alone at here?"

Who the hell talk with a cat alone at night? Is he crazy or something?

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? I bought some food for you"He said to that cat with a big smile.

Fuck,I should mind my own business.

But the way he talk with that cat is kinda cute. It's hard to see a man who can play with a cat like that.

I just stand silently and look at them. Cute.

"Meowww~"That cat suddenly come toward me.

"Oh,hi"I crouch down and play with the cat's ear

"I think he likes you"That boy suddenly came toward me.

I look up at him to see his face. Fuck.

Jay. Park Jongseong. My crush.

I blinked multiple times. Is he real? Why he's so different? I only know the arrogant,bad boy version of him. But what is this-

Why he acting like he doesn't know me? We are literally classmate? Oh,maybe because I never talk to him?

"Some of the students said he has bipolar disorder"

"What if he has a twin?"

"Are you okay?"He asked me and tapped my shoulder.


Wait,Jay is allergic to cat but why he touch cat like nothing? Did he lied about he allergic to cat or something?

"So,do you like cat too?"He asked while rubbing that cat's head gently.

"You are pretty,no need to scare. Just talk to him and I'm sure he won't reject you"

"Uhm,y-yes?"I hesitantly answer his question.

"Oh good,hey little kitty. Someone likes you too"He said at the cat and smile at that cat

Who is he? Are you sure he's Jay? The school's bad boy?

"Meoww~"That cat suddenly look at my hand.

"I think he looked at the plastic bag. What's inside that plastic bag?"He asked me and looking at the plastic bag too.


"Do you want to eat tteokboki,my little kitty?"He asked that cat in cute way. Baby talk? Fuck why he's so cute.

"No,you can't eat them. It's spicy. I don't want you to get sick okay? Sorry my baby"He said to that cat with cute tone again. God,I falling in love with him more harder now.

"Uhm,he-hey. Do you want this tteokboki?"I asked him. Tried to be brave. Please don't say anything mean.

Did I just sacrifice my favorite food to my crush?


It's better to give him than let me eat that food and throw up right after I eat it.

It will be a waste...

"Oh,sure. I like tteokboki too. Is it okay if I take it? Or do you want me to pay for it?"He replied and gave me a big smile. This is new,I never saw him smiling like that.

"No need,I will give you for free. Suddenly,I'm full and I don't like soggy tteokboki"I said to him. Fuck,I lied again. I like soggy tteokboki.

Oh imagine eating soggy tteokboki while doing your homework with cozy outfit.

Forgot it Yeseul. You will gain weight.

And the fact you will forced yourself to throw up after you eat it.

Stupid girl.

He took the plastic bag and smiled. Our hands suddenly touched and it made me jolted because of sudden reaction.

He smiled as he looked at my face. My face felt hot. It might already look red by now.

"Anyways,do you want to take care of him?"He asked me while looking at that cat.


"I want to bring him to my house but one of my family members is allergic to a cat. So,I can't bring him"He said with frown face.

Excuse me? What did he just say?

I'm confused right now.

"So,can you adopt him? Miss Jeon Yeseul?"He asked me with a shiny eyes. My heart almost exploded. This is first time he said my names.

"Yes sure. Why not?"Fuck I did it again. I couldn't think straight. I'm not sure what my parents' reaction when they see me bring a cat from nowhere.

"Thank you,sweetie"

Fuck,what kind of red flag is this?

I looked at the cat who brushed his body on me as I looked at Jay's figure slowly disappeared.

I crouched down again and looked at the cat.

"Hey,that guy earlier looked so handsome right?"


"Start by now,I will adopt you. So,I'm your mom and that guy is your dad. Do you get it?"


"Awww,you're so cute!"

"I should think about your name..."


Park Jay,you're clearly gave me a mixed signal. I don't know who you were. You looked different from what I always see at the school.

Who are you actually,Park Jay?

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