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"Can you help me buy something from grocery store?"My mom asked me. Ugh,why this time?


I looked at myself at the mirror. Ugly.

Big nerdy ass glasses,ugly baggy shirt and a scar on my face.

I'm so lazy to get ready.

Whatever,it's already dark at outside. I hope I won't bump into my classmate or my schoolmates at this hour.

I already bought what my mom asked me to. Now,I want to go to convenient store to buy some snacks for myself.

I almost having a mental breakdown at this grocery store because they ran out of my favorite snacks. Luckily,convenient store is close from the grocery store.

I went to convenient store and bought some ice cream and snacks.

What? The true Yeseul needs a lot of snacks to stay alive. I can't pretend to like healthy food anymore. I hate salad. I don't like diet coke. I don't like exercise too.

But what if I gain weight? What if I'm back to my old self again? The fat me?

No,Yeseul . It's okay. It's really okay.

Let's pretend this is for my self reward because I did good for stay alive when I'm literally living with harmful diet to keep my body skinny.

But they knows me as popular girl who loves to live healthily.

They trying to be me but only if they know the truth.

Such a fake.

You don't deserve it,Yeseul.

"Jongseong please buy this for me?"

Jongseong? Park Jongseong? Jay?

I accidentally dropped my stuff on the ground.


"What the actual f-"

Suddenly my vision became dark

My head feels so heavy. I don't remember what happened earlier and why I passed out.

Why I feel so cold right now? Where am I right now?

"Finally,you awake"A deep voice greeted me.

I opened my eyes.

Oh I'm in someone's car. They really put me in their car back seat.

"Are you okay miss?"Another deep voice greeted me. But this one is more softer than that one earlier.

I can't see clearly because I didn't wear my glasses. I tried to find my glasses.

"Oh,you're searching for this aren't you?"He asked and handed me my glasses.

"Yes,thanks"I took my glasses from his hands and wear it immediately.

Finally my vision is clear now.

"So,are you okay now? Why you suddenly passed out after you see us?"Both of them suddenly looking at me.


I'm not hallucination. It's true. There are two Jays right in front of me right now.

"Wh-why I see two Park Jongseongs right now?"I asked them confusedly.

"Huh? You know us? Oh wait,you are weirdo from my school right?"He asked me while looking at someone who look like him.

Shit,he knows. He saw my ugly face too!

I close my face with both of my hands. "Don't look at me,I don't have any makeup on my face!"

"Sorry to say this but we already saw it all. You literally passed out for an hour"He said to me with a cold face.

Now,I want to yeet.

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