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Finally I arrived at my class. I tried to find Sooah's figure but I couldn't see it. Maybe she come late again.

I looked at Jay who literally read a book at his place. This is one of the reasons why I fell for him. He might be a jerk but I love this side of him. He loves to read books.

Should I talk to him about yesterday?

"Yeseul,stop looking at him"Sooah said and take a sit next to me.

"Hey,Sooah. Do you want to know something?"I asked her while looking at Jay.

"What? Is it about your crush again? Stop it dude. You look dumb"She rolled her eyes and quickly glanced at Jay.

"I actually talked to him yesterday"I said half whispering.


Everyone in my class look at us. God,why Sooah-

"Hey,don't do stupid things Kang Sooah"I warned her.

"Oh sorry"

"But,seriously you talked with him yesterday?"She asked again.

"I guess yes?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sure I talked with him yesterday but something is kinda weird"I remember that his personality is different with someone in front of me right now.

"Are you sure Jay is allergic to cat?"I asked Sooah. I'm lowkey hesitate about him yesterday.

"Of course,I'm sure. Did you forget that time our classmate brought a cat to our class and Jay accidentally touched that cat?"

I nodded as yes

"His eyes suddenly turned red and puffy! Someone even said that he almost got blind too!"

What? So? Who is that guy yesterday? Why he looks exactly like Jay? So,Jay have doppelgänger or something?

I really want to talk with him...

But now,I'm hesitate. What if I'm just hallucinated yesterday? But I'm sure he's Jay. My crush.

"Stop following me,weirdo"


I looked up. Fuck,Jay. He's in front of me now.

"What do you want from me?"He asked with his deep voice,looking at me up and down.

"Use your mouth to answer me. I can't read your mind"He said again. Why he's so cold?

"I-uhm. Do you get home safely yesterday?"What kind of question is that Jeon Yeseul? Of course he got back safely if not,he wouldn't be here. Stupid.

"Did we meet yesterday? I don't remember you and I don't even know you. Who are you?"He asked with a confused face. His face slowly closer to mine.

Shit. What if I'm blushing? Don't do this to me please.

"Bu-but don't you remember that we played with a stray cat yesterday?"

He pulled away his face from me very quickly.

"What the actual fuck? I allergic to a cat. What kind of trick you tried to pull right now? Listen weirdo,I don't date. I don't like girls. Stop following me"His words went straight to my heart and its hurting me. Why so cold? I just asked?

"Uhm,how about tteokboki? I gave you yesterday"This is the only thing that I can do right now.

He looks so confused right now.

Suddenly he sighed. "Fuck,it's probably him"

"Excuse me? What?"


"Anyways,thanks for that tteokboki. It was good"He added up and left me hanging alone,

If I'm a weird than he's more weirder.

God,I can't do this anymore.

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