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I kept running away until I stopped at usually convenient store that I always go. I took a sit on the chair in front of the store.

God,I'm sweating so hard and my heartbeat won't stop beating fast.

Is he okay? Like,we all know that Jaehyuk is a bully but Jay is only a bad boy. I never seen him hit someone or getting into a fight.

"Yeseul? Is it you? Miss tteokboki?"I looked up and I saw Jonghyeong smiling at me.

Fuck,now I keep worrying about Jay again.

I still not used to this. His twin. Ugh,why they look the same? I can't even tell the difference between them.

I nodded.

"Why are you sweating? Did you went from jogging or something?"He asked and sit beside me.

"Jay. He got into a fight because of me and he asked me to leave"I replied to him and I looked at my shaking hands.

Jonghyeong take my hand and caressed it softly.

"Don't worry. My twin is strong enough to protect himself"He said and smiled.

"But he is fighting with a school's bully. What if something happens to him?"I replied. I'm so worried about him.

"Aren't him a school's bad boy?"He asked

I nodded with my teary eyes.

"Then,Trust me okay? Of course he knows how to fight. He's stronger than you think"He said and patted my head.


"No buts. Now,chill and let's eat something"He said and smiled at me.

He still can eat in this situation? I can't even swallow my own saliva in this rate.

Jonghyeong left me alone to buy something in the store. God,whenever I saw his face,I couldn't stop thinking about Jay.

Is he okay?

"Yeseul,I bought ramen and some snacks for you"He said and put a bowl of instant ramen on the table.

"Eat"He said and smile again.


Shit I suddenly remembered when I ate with Jay at the rooftop.

"Still worry about him huh?"He asked and smirked.

"Uh- no"I instantly shove the food in my mouth.

"Do you have something in your mind? Like,question? About us?"He asked while eating his ice cream.

"Is it okay to ask?"Of course I have a lot of questions to ask.

"Sure,go ahead"

"If Jongseong english name is Jay. Then what about you?"This question is already inside my head right after I knew about his existence.

"Jason. My english name is Jason"He replied and smiled.


"And I prefer people to call me with my korean name instead of english name. Just call me Jonghyeong okay?"He added again.

I nodded.

"Uhm,next question is how to tell the difference between you and him?"

"Jay has heart shaped birthmark on his neck but me,I have birthmark on my left arm. Look"He replied and showed me his left arm. Yes,I can see the birthmark.

"Oh,we both have different personality too. I think you could tell by looking at us right?"He said and smiled.

"Uhm,Jay is kinda jerk and bad boy type but you is lowkey kind and softie?"

"Well,I think I can agree with you."He said and nodded.

"By the way,am I that softie to you?"He asked.

"I- I think yes? You speak softly and you are kind too"

"Hahaha,yeah. Maybe"He said and patted my head.

My heart suddenly boom boom paw. God-

Why this man made my heart beating fast like this?

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