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"Dumbo,are you sure you still wanted to go to the school?"Jay asked as he parked his car. He looked at me worriedly.

I nodded my head without any hesitation. "Yes"

"But are you okay?"I asked him.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"What if they ask about us? You will be embarrassed because of me. I'm don't deser-"

I didn't finish my words but Jay suddenly kissed my lips.

"Say it something like that again and I will make you regret about it later"He replied coldly.

"But Jay-"

"I love everything about you including your flaws and you always seem perfect in my eyes"He said as he gave a peck of kiss on my forehead.

"Even you have a short hair too. You still looks perfect"He ruffled my hair and chuckled

"Hey! Stop it,my hair will look messy!"I slapped his hand and crossed my arms.

He suddenly flicked my forehead "Now,let's go. We will be late"

I rolled my eyes. "Then,what's the point of the forehead kiss if you're going to flick my forehead anyways?"

He chuckled. "Sorry Angel"

"By the way,you don't need to hide our relationship anymore. Just tell everyone that we are together now"

"Why now? Are you scared that some girls are going to flirt with you?"I smirked at him.

"Yeah but you're more scarier than them"

"Whatever"I rolled my eyes

"Okay brat"

"I hate you"

"I love you too"

"Omg,Jeon Yeseul my loveee!"Sooah screamed as she saw me entered the class.

Everyone in the class looked at me like I just killed someone.

Jay suddenly put his arm around me. "Mind your own business"

"This girl is my girlfriend and if you lay your finger on her. I won't hesitate to make your life miserable"

"If you think I'm just joking,you can take a look at Jaehyuk and his friends"

Sooah widen her eyes. Disbelief what she just heard from Jay's mouth.

"By the way,I think you should sit at my seat today"Sooah said as she tried to stop me from going to my seat.

"What's wrong?"I walked towards my seat anyways and I saw my table are full of scrabbles.




Pick me girl

I sighed. Whatever. I took the seat and put my backpack on the table. I pretended that nothing happened.

Jay walked towards my seat and looked at me. "What's wrong?"


Jay took my backpack away. "Who did this?!"

"Jay,it's okay. I can clean it up later"I tried to calm him.

"No,it's not fucking okay. This is bullying"

Jay put my backpack on the chair behind me. "Sit here"

"This seat is yours"I still remember that Jay used to seat behind me before we broke up.

"Don't make me repeat"He said coldly.

I didn't reply anything to him and followed what he said.

"Good girl"

I'm glad nothing happened during the class and it went smoothly. I'm glad that Jay and Sooah kept asking me if I'm okay every single time. I feel safer around them.

But I still feel uncomfortable because people keep watching me. Why? Did I kill someone? I'm very confused.

"Finally! Recess time!"Sooah screamed happily.

She ran towards me. "Let's go eat! I'm hungry!"

"Nope. She's with me today"Jay put his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay,possessive boyfriend"Sooah rolled her eyes.

"We can eat together"I said and both of them looked at each other annoyingly.

"Anything for my girl"Sooah said

"Anything for my Angel"Jay said

They suddenly looked at each other confusedly.

"Sooah,don't tell me..."


"You're gay?!"

"What the actual fuck?"Sooah replied and hit Jay's head with her pencil case.

"Ouch!"Jay screamed in pain.

"She's pretty and is it wrong to like her? People who said she's ugly are probably have problems with their eyes"

I smiled. "I like Sooah too!"

"Babe,are you bi-"

"Yeah,bilingual,bisexual and bitch"Sooah cut Jay off.

"Nah,that 2B is you not Yeseul"

"Where's the other B?"

"Bilingual is her. She is good with English"Jay replied and smiled at me.

"Stop it. Don't make me blush"

"I hate these two love birds so much"Sooah said and pouting her lips.

Hi! Hehe,I wrote this chapter very light and tried my best to make it not sad or something like that.

I'm going to end this book real quick because I started to busy again. Tmi,I got offered with my first choice university course and I'm going to go the interview soon! Wish me luck!

I've planned to publish another book right after this book finish but I'm not sure if I have time to do that. It's okay,I will try my best to stay in touch with you guys <3

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

Love you xx

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