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I supposed to be at Taehee's party right now. But I don't feel like to come to the party.

I don't want to meet Jay. My heart hurts when I see him or hear his name.

I need to move on from him.

This is not fairytale. There's no happy ending for me and I should've known that. Stupid me.

You're ugly Jeon Yeseul. You don't deserve someone perfect like him.

"Shit. I missed you"

My tears running on my cheeks as I opened my phone and saw my wallpaper screen. Our picture together on our first date.

I know no one in my life will stay with me forever.

Should I go to that old building again? But it's been 4 years since I went there.

Since Mr. Star disappeared. I stopped going there.

I don't know who exactly Mr. Star is. I met him when I went to that building near my middle school. He just told me that his name was 'Star'

I don't even know how he looks like too. Such a mystery man.

The only thing that I know about him was,he likes to smoke at there. Sometimes he drinks alcohol too.

But,even he's like that. He still comfort me. He always talked to me and tried his best to understand me.

He was my first love.

"Whatever. I shouldn't trust men at all. Men are the same"

My phone suddenly chimed. Someone sent me a text.

Unknown number
>one attached file
Watch it

Huh? What is this? It's not something weird right? Like por- okay never mind.

I clicked on the file without any hesitation.

"Go away,ugly bitch. We don't need you!"

"Why this ugly nerd got into our group? She will make our group look ugly just like her face too!"

"So,what can she do? Read some books and solve math problems? So nerdy"

"I'm so sorry"

"It's Mr Choi's fault. Why he put her in our group? He can put someone else right?"

"Well,I want Minji not her!"

"Imagine if Minji in our group. God,we will become the pretty girl group in our school!"

"Right? Minji is beauty with brain but this bitch just have a brain! She's ugly and fat"

"I'm so sorry"


"Please go die!"


"Holy shit. Her head is bleeding!"

"Don't tell the teacher. Just leave her!"

I threw my phone immediately. My hands are shaking.

My eyes tears up. No way. How could they found that video?

"Fuck no. My life is doomed now"


Suddenly every flashbacks came into my mind.

I can't breathe. Fuck. I'm scared.

"I want to die. Please. It's hurts"I hit my chest several times. I can't breathe properly. I got panic attack.

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