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"Is that you Miss tteokboki?"Jonghyeong greeted me.

"Oh,hi Jonghyeong!"I greeted him back

"What are you doing early in the morning?"Jonghyeong asked me while looking at me up and down.

"Just back from jogging at the park. Well,healthy life I guess?"I replied back and saw him smiling at me.

"Oh really? But why are you hiding your face in your hoodie? You don't wear any makeup huh?"He asked and smirked.

"Haha,who's wearing makeup when they go to workout?"My sarcastic laugh. Ugh. Sounds so fake.

"Show me your face"He leaned closer to my face.

I quickly pushed him away from me.


"It's okay,I already saw it all that night. No need to be embarrassed with me"He said and suddenly his hand pulled my hoodie.


"Hahaha,sorry sweetheart. But I like your natural face. It's cute"He said and patted my head.

"But,can I ask you something?"He asked while looking at me.

"What is it?"

"That scar at your forehead. How did you get it?"

I knew that he wanted to ask about my scar. God- I don't want to remember those bad memories again.

"Oh,sorry. If you're not comfortable and don't want to answer it. I don't mind. Sorry for asking"He apologize to me. Why Jay can't be like him? He's so polite. God-

"It's okay. I will tell you"

4 years ago

"Go away,ugly bitch. We don't need you!"Mina yelled at me and threw the rubbish at me.

"Why this ugly nerd got into our group? She will make our group look ugly just like her face too!"Minhye said and rolled her eyes.

That time,our teacher made us into a study group. He said that I can help them to study because my grade is good. But what the hell is this?

"So,what can she do? Read some books and solve math problems? So nerdy"Aemi said and flicked my forehead.

"I'm so sorry"I don't know what to do. They are so powerful. Look at how weak I am. I can't fight back.

"It's Mr Choi's fault. Why he put her in our group? He can put someone else right?"Minhye said while looking at Aemi.

"Well,I want Minji not her!"Aemi said and rolled her eyes.

"Imagine if Minji in our group. God,we will become the pretty girl group in our school!"

"Right? Minji is beauty with brain but this bitch just have a brain! She's ugly and fat"Mina said and pushed me.

My eyes started to tears up.

Don't cry Yeseul. You are already look weak in front of them. You can't cry.

"I'm so sorry"


I'm just stay silent. I'm so scared with them.

"Please go die!"Minhye pushed me so hard until I lost my balance.


The vase on the table suddenly fell on my head.

"Holy shit. Her head is bleeding!"

"Don't tell the teacher. Just leave her!"

That's when I realized that how weak I am.

I need to change myself.

I need to be strong.

I won't be the same Jeon Yeseul again.

"That's it. That's how I got this scar"I said to him when I finished my story.

"It's must be tough for you right? Are you okay?"Jonghyeong looking at me worriedly.

"I guess,I'm fine now"I gave him my fake smile.

"It's okay Yeseul. It's okay to not be fine sometimes. I'm here. I'm all ears okay?"He suddenly hugged me.

Badumm badumm

I slowly pushed him.

"Thanks but I'm really okay now"

"Sure. If anything happens. Don't be shy and just tell me okay?"He said and smiled at me.

My heart...

"Poor my girl. She had been through a lot of hardships alone"

"I will heal you okay?"


He suddenly give a peck of kiss on my scar.

Badumm badumm


Okay he might have a similar face as Jay but why I feel mixed signal right now?

Why this dude made my heart boom boom paw?

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