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I waited Jay in front of my house because he said he wanted to pick me up and going to somewhere.

Why the hell he wants to go out with me in the middle of summer right now? It's scorching hot.

"Oh,here he is"I said as I saw Jay's car.

Jay stopped his car in front of me. I went in to his car without any hesitation.

"Hi,Angel"He greeted me with a big smile.

I smiled back at him. "Hi"

And I just realized Jay is wearing a sleeveless shirt. I looked at him confusedly.

"What's wrong?"He asked.

"Why you're wearing something like that?"I replied as I looked at him.

He looked at his shirt. "This? Because today's so hot"

"No. I don't like it. Change it."I said and crossed my arms around my body.

"Why? Tell me Angel"He said and pulled my chin and made me looked at him.

"I don't want the other girls looking at you. Look at those biceps. Ugh,I hate it"I don't know since when I started to be jealous over a little things.

"Aww,baby is jealous~"He pinched my cheek.

"No. I'm not"

"Why would you be jealous if you're already touched it? You even cling into it that time and not to forget maybe your nails marks are still there-"


He whispered. "The girls only can see my biceps but you already saw something else"


I could feel that my cheeks started to flush in red. Why he's like this? I want to punch him.

"Okay okay,sorry love"He apologized and patted my head.

"We should go now. Shall we?"He said and waiting for my response.

I nodded. "Yeah,let's go or we will be late"

Jay smiled at me as he started to drive his car.

We both went silent as I looked at the window and Jay focused on driving his car.

"Where are we right now?"I asked him right after he parked his car.

"Look at there"He pointed at the building near us.

"Art school? Why we are here?"Why he brought me to the Art School? Did he wanted to transfer school or something?

"You will know"He replied and smiled at me.

We both went out from the car and walked towards the school. It looks like they have festival or something. Maybe sports day?

As we walked pass through the entrance. Some guys came towards us. They greeted Jay like they already knew him for a long time.

"Who is she?"That guy looked at me and smiled.

"My girlfriend. Jeon Yeseul"Jay replied proudly.

"What the hell? I thought you were gay? Okay joking"

"Hello,Jeon Yeseul. I'm Kim Hyunjin,Jonghyeong's classmate. Nice to meet you"Hyunjin introduced himself to me.

I nodded. "Nice to meet you too"

"Where is he?"Jay asked.

"Oh,Jonghyeong is probably at the auditorium for his art exhibition"

Jay smirked. "So,finally that brat going to show us his art?"

"Dude,his art is the best among us!"

"Whatever Hyunjin"Jay rolled his eyes.

"Just do whatever you want. It's not like this is your first time here"Hyunjin said before he left with his friends.

"Oh by the way,don't forget about the exhibition at 3"He added up.

Jay turned around and looked at me. "Do you want to take a look at the stalls?"

I nodded. "Yeah,kinda"

We both walked together and took a look at the stall one by one until I stopped at the one stall which sells women accessories.

"Hi,take a look. These accessories were made by our own hands."The girl said and smiled at us.

"Choose whatever you want. I will buy for you"Jay said and patted my head.

"Is it okay? I can buy it by myself"I told him.

"It's not that expensive and I never buy anything for you. Just accept it"

I smiled at him. "Thank you"

"Oh my god. Please choose whatever you want. I feel so single right now"The girl said to us.

We both laughed when we saw her sudden action.

"Anyways,I will recommend you guys to buy this bracelet because we have promotion today. Buy 1 free 1. So,you guys can get couple bracelets!"She explained excitedly.

"Yeah,I would love that"I replied.

So,we ended up bought the bracelets but Jay insisted to buy me more accessories. So,he ended up bought me some hairpins,necklaces,hair bands and earrings because he said I took too long to choose so he ended up bought everything for me.

I didn't know that he wanted to be my sugar daddy that bad. Okay joking.

"Oh? Yeseul? Are you here?"Jonghyeon ran towards us. He smiled brightly.

Jonghyeong opened his arms,welcome me to hug him.

Jay fake coughed. "Excuse me? She's my girlfriend. Go away"

"Oopsie,someone is protective"Jonghyeong smirked at Jay. Jonghyeong patted my head. I immediately looked at Jay's reaction and he looks like he wants to kill Jonghyeong.

"So,you are brave enough to bring your girlfriend now?"Jonghyeon teased Jay. Jay rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean? I always bring her to everywhere I go."

"Yeah,as a FRIEND"Jonghyeong replied and looked at me.

"Fuck you"

"Yeseul,did he treat you right? If not,you can always come to me. I will treat you better than him"Jonghyeong winked at me.

Jay hit Jonghyeong's head with his phone. "In your dream"

"Ouch! Okay fine. I won't flirt with her anymore"

Hiii! Hehehe how are you? Me? I'm good! Hahahahahah.

I wish I had a boyfriend like Jay- HAHAHAHA JOKING


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