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I just finished giving Jaehyuk and his friends some lectures. Hopefully,they really don't do the same things anymore.

As I wiped my bloody lips,I knocked out the door for several times.

The door finally opened. "Jay? What are you doing he-"

I barged into her house without any hesitation. "Let's go"

"Are you okay? You have wounds and bruises on your face"She looked at me worriedly.

"Jeon Yeseul"I called her name.

She looked at me confusedly. "Yes?"

I looked at her up and down. She has some wounds and bruises on her face and body. Fuck,Jaehyuk.

The only thing that made my heart burned and hurted was that one mark on her neck.

I looked at her coldly. "Who did this to you?"

She didn't say anything and looked away.

"Angel,I'm asking you"


I rolled my eyes. I picked her up with bridal style and brought her to the bathroom.


"Shut up and don't move or you will fall"I said to her coldly.

I put her in the bathtub. She looked at me confusedly.


"Where else did he touched you?"I said as I took of my shirt and threw it to somewhere.


She closed her eyes with her palms.

"Angel,I'm trying to clean off his filthy marks on you"


"Because you are mine"

I turned on the shower and brought it close to her.

"Jay,don't. I will drenched in water"She said panicked.

"Then,let's drench together"I said as I slowly went in the bathtub.

"Jay,at least wear your shirt back!"She said and closed her eyes again.

I smiled. "Then should I wear my shirt back?"


"But,my shirt will get wet and I don't have something to wear later"

"Then,what about me? My shirt already wet because of you!"

"Should I take off your shirt too?"I smirked at her.

She suddenly hit my chest. "Of course no,Idiot!"

I hold her chin. "Look at me,dumbo"

She looked at me right into my eyes. My eyes suddenly burning in lust.

She's so pretty. So fucking hot.

With both of us in her small bathtub. Very close to each other.

"Fuck"I cursed. I let go of her chin and looked away.


I pulled her closer until our lips met.

Her lips taste so sweet like honey.


I pulled away from the kiss immediately after I just realized what I've done.

"Sorry"I apologized to her. What the heck did I think?

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