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Why they took so long to come home? What are they doing right now?

Why I'm feeling anxious right now?

I went into my room and sat on my bed.

I smiled when I remembered about last night.

"Jeon Yeseul. Such an idiot"

I looked at my dresser table. Yeseul left her stuff there.

Nothing interesting about her stuff. Just girl's stuff.

Makeup and skincare.

Why she brought that stuff to school? Weirdo.

I looked at her makeup and skincare products.

"Jeon Yeseul. Why you always acting like you're a poor person?"

"Oh my god. Look at those expensive products. You amaze me every time"

She really use all the branded products.

Gucci,Chanel,YSL,La Mer...

What the hell?

"My dad even give me monthly allowance secretly. He said that I shouldn't tell my mom and I agreed. Whenever I needed money. I will ask him and he will transfer it to me"

"Oh,I forgot about her dad"

She uses all the expensive products but she still insecure.

But she's already pretty without makeup. The only flaw that she has is her scar on her forehead.

Oh maybe with her ugly nerdy big glasses.

I have bad eyes sight too but she still doesn't know that I wear glasses too.

"Hey,Jayjay. We are back! Where are you?!"I can hear Jonghyeong's screaming. This dude is so loud. Oh my god.

I opened the door and went out from my room.

"Shut up. I'm here"

I let out a big sigh as I walked towards the kitchen to drink some water.

"Have you eaten yet?"Yeseul asked me as she puts some groceries stuff on the kitchen counter.

"Not yet. Why?"

I looked at her. She wears a pastel blue oversized hoodie.


"Jayjay. Yeseul said she wants to cook for dinner!"Jonghyeong said and took my cup. He drinks the leftover water in there.

He wears a pastel blue hoodie. Since when he has a pastel blue hoodie?

Eh? Wait a minute.

I looked at Yeseul and I looked at Jonghyeong back.

Same hoodies?

"Jay. I will make your favorite food for dinner. Corn cheese. Is it okay with you?"She asked and smiled.

I nodded.

"Hey,can you see our hoodies? We bought a matching pair of hoodies. Cute right?"Jonghyeong said as he pointed at his hoodie and he suddenly pointed at Yeseul's hoodie too.


"Are you guys still living in 2016 or something? We didn't do this matching couple shit things anymore"I replied and rolled my eyes and went to my room back.

I'm not jealous okay?

I can't do this anymore. Whenever I saw them talking and laughing to each other,I want to punch the wall.

I went to my garage.

I walked towards the place where I put something on cover. I took off the cover and looked at my super bike.

Still look cool like the owner.

I'm not in mood to drive my car tonight. I want to ride my bike.

Imagine those cold air hits your face. It can help me to cool down my anger. Maybe.

"Where are you going?"Yeseul asked me as she walked towards me.

How did she know that I'm here?


She already took off her hoodie. My heart flutters a little bit when I saw her wearing my shirt again.


"With a bike?"

"Of course. Did you see I'm driving a car now?"I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"But it's cold outside. You will catch colds"

"It's not your business"

"Can I join you?"

Excuse me? What did she say?

"Why would I bring you? It's cold outside and you will catch colds"I said and repeat what she said earlier.

"It looks fun"She replied and gave me a sad puppy look.

This girl. How can I say no if you made that kind of face?

"Aish,fine. Go change something warmer. It's not my responsibility if you catch colds"I said and rolled my eyes.

She smiled and jumped happily.


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