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Hello and hi everyone!

Thank you for supporting Twin for these 7 months. I was having a lot of difficult times during writing this book yet I still have fun with it.

To be honest,I didn't expect this book to get hyped because I just randomly wrote it because I wanted to practice my writing skills for my MUET (Malaysian University English Test). This is not my first book tbh,I used to write so many fanfiction book back then but I just don't have any confidence to let people read it. But,I'm glad that you guys are liked it!

Thank you for giving me positive feedback and for those who gave me negative feedback,I don't mind and I still wanted to say thank you for being honest with your words. I will take them as a reason to improve myself in the future.

Sorry for all of the mistakes that I've done. Thank you to everyone who correct me when I did something wrong.

Don't worry,I will try my best to write a new book and for this time I will write it better than this for your satisfaction. Stay tuned!

See you again!

Love,Asther xx

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