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"Since we don't have school tomorrow and it's weekend. Can Yeseul stay here for a night?"Jonghyeong said as he walked through the living room.

"But she's a girl"Jay replied and looked at me.

I actually still can't get it. Why they took me here.

But I actually don't mind too. Since my mom is currently at another state for her work.

But staying in this house with these two...

"I-well-actually don't mind at all"I hesitated to say.

"I'm all alone. My mom currently at another state for her work"I added up.

"Great! Now,we can have a sleepover!"Jonghyeong said happily.

Jay rolled his eyes.

"Where the hell she wants to sleep?"Jay look at Jonghyeong annoyingly.

"My room?"

"No. Your room is messed"

"Dumbo,sleep in my room. I will sleep with Jonghyeong"Jay said as he looked at Jonghyeong with his cold face

"Ew,I don't like to sleep with you"Jonghyeong said and made a weird face.

"Me too"

"Anyways,can both of you go to take a shower now? You guys smelled like sweats. Oh god. So musty"

I just done took a shower. I feel refreshed.

Jay gave me his shirt and his shorts. It too big for me. But I don't mind.

I could smell his fragrance from his shirt. Oh my god. My heart.

Luckily,his room has a bathroom. So,it is easier for me to take a shower without worrying about them.

"I think I should go to the room now"I said to myself as I looked at the mirror once again.

Ugly. I already removed my makeup and luckily I brought my glasses too. So,I already took off my contact lenses too.

"It's okay,Yeseul. They already saw your naked face"I told to myself.

I let out a very big sighed.

As I opened the door. I saw Jay sitting on the bed.


"Why are you here?"

"I forgot to take my things"He said coldly.

"Oh okay. Did you already take it?"

He nodded.

"Okay good. You can go out now"

"Why would I?"

"Because this is my room?"

"But this is my room"


He raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"I'm tired. Can you not being an asshole for a day?"

"I'm not an asshole"

"Whatever. Now get out" I said and suddenly came towards him.

I pushed him,but he used his strong body to stay still



I fell on top of him.

We both stay in silence. Looking at each other.

Badumm badumm

"Uhm-I'm sorry!"I apologized to him and tried to get up from him.

But he suddenly hold both of my arms.

"What are you doing? Let me go"

"You look more ugly up close"He said and smirked.

I tried to let go of myself from him,but his holding me tighter.

And suddenly he flipped over and he's on top of me.

"What are you doing?! What if Jonghyeong see us?"

He smirked. "That stupid guy already asleep"

Badumm badumm

"You smells so good"He said as he brought his face close to my neck. I can feel his hot breath.


"You are mine,dumbo"He said in deep voice.

My heart-

I feel something weird on my neck.

"J-Jay? What are you doing?"

He doesn't reply to me.

I tried to hit his chest but he quickly pinned my hands.

"J-Jay? I feel weird. What are you doing?"

Suddenly the weird feeling disappears.

"Nothing. What were you thinking?"He replied and flicked my forehead.

I confused. I touched my neck. There's nothing at there.

"Shut up and can you get off from me?"

"No,I like to adore your ugly face"He said and smirked.

"You're mean"

"Yes,I am"

"What the hell?"

"You know what? I'm going to sleep here"He said and lying next to me.


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