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"So guys,I'm going to do a private party this weekend and you guys invited!"Taehee said excitedly to us.

Me and Jay looked at each other. What's wrong with her?

"Aren't you excited,Jonghyeong?"Taehee asked him and smirked.

Jonghyeong didn't reply to her. He showed an anxious face like he just did something wrong.

"Okay,but alcohol-free and no drugs too"Jay said to her with his cold face.

"Ouch,why? It will be not fun then"Taehee said and pouted her lips.

"You're still minor. Oh wait,we are still minor"Jay replied to her.

"Says man who has been drank when he was a minor too"Taehee smirked at him and suddenly took a glances at Jonghyeong.

"I already stopped drinking and smoking. So,shut the fuck up. You didn't know anything"Jay rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen.

I never know this side of Jay. No,I knew that he used to smoke but not the drinking alcohol.

I still remember that I caught him smoking at the back of the school building several times.

"Jonghyeong? Are you okay? Why you are so silent today?"I asked him. This is not Jonghyeong that I used to know.

Why he's acting weird these days?

"Hm? I'm okay,princess"He replied to me and patted my head. He smiled at me awkwardly.

Taehee suddenly clapped her hands several times to gain our attention.

"So,guys. We need to go shopping!"She said excitedly.

Jay and Jonghyeong looked at her with their disgusting face. I could tell that they didn't like the idea.

"Why would I go shopping with you?"Jay asked her and rose his left eyebrow.

"Because we should spend more time together?"Taehee suddenly grabbed Jay's arm and pulled him closer and grabbed Jonghyeong's arm and do the same as she did to Jay.

I tried my best to not show my disgusting face at her.

What she trying to do actually?

Jay pushed her immediately. "Ew,I would rather spend time with Yeseul than you"

My heart thumped and I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Why? Do you like her?"Taehee smirked at me.

Of course,he's my boyfriend after all.

"If yes,then what?"Jay replied to her plainly.

She gasped. "Wow"

"Now you know,so stop forcing me doing this and that with you."Jay said and gave her a death glared.

"Dumbo,let's go"He took my hand and pulled me. Forcing me to follow him to somewhere.


It's already late night and finally no Taehee anymore. Such a nuisance.

Where's my twin? Why he's always going out this lately?


I heard someone opened the door. Probably Jonghyeong.

He looked at me with a terrified face. "Hey"

"What's up?"

"I'm going to take a shower now. Good night"He said.

"Park Jonghyeong"

He turned his head towards me. "Hm?"

"We need to talk"

He gulped. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Sit"I glanced at the empty sit in front of me.

He slowly took a sit in front of me. "Okay"

"Are you okay? Why you looked so passive these days?"

"No, I'm not"

"Is something up in your mind? Tell me. I will try to help you" I tried to be a responsible brother right now.

"Why you always going out and coming back home late? You didn't go out right after 11"This is the only thing that I noticed about him. I wonder what is wrong with him.

"I'm stressed. So,I take a walk. That's it"

Why it doesn't sound right?

He's hiding something.

"I hope you don't drink and smoke or hangout with punks"

Jonghyeong nodded. "No,I'm not"

"Listen,I'm as your older brother and your twin. I always cared about you. I don't want you to be like me."

"You know,it's hard to stop when you started to do the bad things. You are going to regret it once you starts it"

"Stop it"Jonghyeong looked at me. His eyes turned dark.

"Hey,I just want to help-"

"Shut the fuck up! You did not know anything!"

"Okay,then tell me. What should I know?"I tried my best to stay calm or this dude already got a punch in his face.

"Nothing. Sorry for throwing tantrum"

"You liked Yeseul don't you?"

He looked at me. His eyes widen when he heard what I said earlier.

I smiled. "I knew it"

"And I think you're already found out that we are dating with each other right now"

He looked away. "I don't care about who you're dating with"

"Of course,you don't care about me but you care about her don't you?"

"Shut up"

"I'm sorry for dating her. If this is the reason why you are turning this way. I apologize"

"Your apology couldn't help me. It's late already. I already turned to be like you. A monster"

A monster. I thought when I changed myself to be a better person. He will stop calling me like that.

Not gonna lie. It hurts me.

"Then,what should I do to help you and to make you accept my apology?"

"Break up with her"


Hi! I'm back! Hehehe sorry for suddenly hiatus again!

I'm actually cried for a few days because I can't accept the 'Night Festival' ending. Hehe,iykyk.

I don't know why but Jonghyeong made my blood boiled for no reason lol.

Okay,don't forget to vote and comment <3

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