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He tapped my shoulder.


"Look at the sky"

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

I look up at the sky. Yes,the moon is so beautiful.

I smiled at him. "Yes. It is"

We both looked at each other.


Badumm badumm

His cold stares,his sharp eagle eyes are looking into my eyes.

I freeze up. I don't know what to do. My heart is about to explode.

He brought his face close to me.

Is he going to kiss me?!

I close my eyes immediately.

I can feel his hot breath hits on my face.

Why he's too close?!

Badumm badumm

I feel something on my lips. Its cold

I slowly opened my eyes.


Why he puts his index finger and middle finger on my lips?

I took a step back. "Eh? What are you doing?"

"Hahahah,it's so funny. What did you expect?"He laughed at me and took a step towards me.


What were you thinking Jeon Yeseul?! This is so embarrassing!

"What were you thinking about huh? Dirty mind girl"He said and walked slowly towards me.

I took another step back. "I said don't come to me!"

"What if I want to come to you too? What are you going to do?"He smirked at me.

"Uhm,I-I will run!"

"Okay,run babygirl. Let's see how fast and far you can go"He said and smirked.


"I'm not joking okay? I will run"



I shouted at him and pointed at behind him.

"Huh? What?"He believed my lies and look at behind him.



I never know that Jay is very stupid. How can he believe my simple lies?

"Hahahah,who's dumbo now?"I said to him while running.

"Wait until I catch you!"

It's been a few minutes since I started running. My pace going slow and slower. Shit,I forgot I'm not an athletic person.

I looked at behind me.


Where's he?

Am I running too fast and he couldn't chase me?

Well,let's just continue the run then..


Since when Jay got in front of me? How fast-

"Eh? Wait wait!"

I couldn't stop my legs from running.


I accidentally fell on top of Jay.

Our eyes meets. We both look at each other without saying anything.

Luckily there's no people at there.

"Uhm,Jay? Are you okay?"

He doesn't reply to me. Jay suddenly put his arms around me. He hug me for all of sudden.

Badumm badumm

We are so close until we could hear each other's heartbeat.

"Can you let me go? I know I'm heavy. Please?"

I tried to move my body. This is so awkward. Imagine laying on the ground and you're on top of someone. What if someone pass by? What would they think?

"Hey,I said let me go? Can you hear me?"I said and tried to let go my body from his arms.

"Shut up,dumbo"

Jay suddenly put his hand at the back of my neck and pull me closer to his face.

I can feel his hot breath.

My eyes widen. "J-Jay?"

"If you open your mouth and try to move. I won't hesitate to kiss you"He said and looking at me with his cold stares.

"What do you mean? Are you crazy? Let me go!"



He pulled me closer until our lips met.

My eyes widen.

Did we just kiss?!

I close my eyes and kiss him back.

The cold weather suddenly disappeared. I feel the warmth.

Kissing him under the moonlight with his warm embrace.

I don't want this night to end too early.

"You're mine,dumbo"He said under the kiss.

Yes,I'm yours

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