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"Hold me tight okay? Or you will fall"I said to her who sits on the pillion.

"Uhm,is it okay if I hold you? Uhm,like this?"She replied and clung to her hands on my leather jacket.

This dumbo really wants to fall when I ride a bike or something?

"Like this stupid. You want to die?"I pulled her hands and put it on my waist.

"Wait what?! Eh-"

I could feel her body freeze.

What a cute reaction.

"Is-is it okay? I-"

"Of course it's okay. I don't want you to die dumbo"

"Al-alright then. I will hold you tight"She replied and hold it tighter.

Shit. I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Are you ready?"


"Hold me tight okay? Let's go!"

As the cold air hits our face,I could feel that my cheeks are getting hotter.

Whenever I feel her hands wrapped around my waist tightly. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Jay,look! Look at those stars! It's so pretty!"She said as she pointed to the sky.

But you're more prettier.

"Shut up,dumbo. You're so noisy"

She hits my shoulder. "I'm not okay?"

"Hold me tight. I want to speed up"I said as I press the hand throttle harder.


She tightened her grips on my waist and close her eyes.

"Dumbo. Open your eyes. You won't regret it. Faster"I said as I slowed the speed.


"Just open your eyes"

"Wow,the views are amazing! Look at those tall buildings! They are so pretty!"She said after she opened her eyes. The views mesmerizing her.

I smiled when I saw her happy.

She might be in her own euphoria right now but she doesn't know that she's my euphoria.


She said almost screamed because she was too excited when she saw the moon at the sky.

We arrived at the Han River bridge and I stopped at the roadside.

"Get off. Let's take a walk"I said as I got off my bike.

I took off my helmet and put it on the bike seat.

"Ahhh,wait for me! This helmet is so hard to take off!"She said while struggling to take off the helmet.

I giggled when I looked at her.

Why she's so cute?

"Come here,dumbo. I will help you"I said as I walked towards her.

I helped her to take off the helmet.

Her face flushed red when the helmet finally got off from her head.

"Are you okay?"I asked her because her face was so red. I'm a little bit worried.

"Y-yes. I'm okay"

"Okay, let's go"I began to walk at the sidewalk and she followed me.

At least this bridge has a sidewalk. So,we can walk and take our time to appreciate the night's beauty.

We both walked until we reached at the middle of bridge.

I saw her hand started to turn red. Maybe because tonight's weather gets really cold.

No,she actually shivering right now.

"Are you cold,dumbo?"

She shook her head. "No"

I rolled my eyes. "Stupid liar"

I took off my leather jacket and put it on her body. Luckily, I wore my thick hoodie. So,I won't be shivering like her at least

"Ehh?! No! It's okay, Jay! I'm okay!"She said and quickly wanted to take off my jacket that I had put on her earlier.

I flicked her forehead. "Shut up and just wear it or I will leave you here"

Her face flushed red again. "Uhm,okay"

"Good girl"

She doesn't said anything and rubbed her forehead.

I giggled.

"Did I flick your forehead too hard? Let me see"I said and cupped her cheeks and brought her face closer to me.

"No-no! I'm okay! Let me go!"She tried to push me away.

Her face flushed red. It's getting redder.

At this point,she might faint because of heat on her face.

I caressed her forehead gently and blew at her forehead.

"Pheww,your pain will go away. I prayed to a fairy to take away your pain"

She hits my chest. "What the hell? Why so childish"

She turned away from me.

I tapped her shoulder.


"Look at the sky"

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"
Okay this is my first enhypen au. So,I wonder,which team are you? #JayTeam or #JonghyeongTeam?

And I actually heard that some of you guys know this au from tiktok recommendation right?? Idk which acc recommended my au but I really thanks to the owner of the acc for helping me to promote this au <3

I would like to read all of your thought about this au. Please comment and vote okay <3

Thanks for supporting this shitty au ')

Love you xx

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