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I just safely arrived at my house right after I sent Yeseul back.

I took out the pink bandage thay she gave me earlier.

"Since I felt guilty. I will give you this"

Huh,she doesn't need to be that cute. Stupid.

"What the hell? Why the hell you're smiling like that? You're scaring me!"Jonghyeong said as he looked at me confusedly.

I glared at him. "Not your business"

"It looks like you're simping over someone. Who? Tell me"Jonghyeong smirked at me as he looked at my hand.

"So,you like pink now? Since when? I never know that you're softie too. What a cute pink bandage"

I quickly put the bandage in my pocket.

"Not your business"

"Stop being stingy and tell me!"He said and pouted.

"Since when I'm being stingy?"I replied as I looked at him confusedly.

"Since I asked you to make me pancakes! But you didn't make it for me! You made for Yeseul only!"

This dude- Why he's so childish? Why this stupid dude is my twin?

"Stop being childish. You're not a kid anymore"

"But you made it for Yeseul! She's not a kid too!"


Jonghyeong looked at me and smirked. That evil smile. I can't read his mind. What kind of stupid shit he will spit now?


"You like her don't you?"

What the hell?


"I might be stupid but I'm not blind and of course I knew everything about you. My cold hearted twin"He said and suddenly took a sit beside me.

"She's not my type. Stop with your stupid speculations"

"Are you sure?"


"Then,why you always take a good care at her?"

"Since when?"

"Jaehyuk. Why you fought with him?"

"Because he wanted to do bad things at Yeseul"

"Oh because of Yeseul? Not because he did bad things at other girls? Ooohhhh"

Jonghyeong slapped my right thigh.


"You never fought with someone and you really beated him to pulp"

"Because he deserved it"

I rolled my eyes. Is my twin drunk or something? He keep talking nonsense.

"Whatever,I'm going to my room and you can keep talking shit with yourself"I said as I'm about to leave the living room.

"Yes sure,keep lying to yourself and don't regret if I take her away from you. It's not too late Park Jongseong"He replied and gave me his evil smile.

My heart suddenly hurts after I heard what he said.

I want to punch him so bad.

"Do whatever you want. I won't stop you"
Sighed. That's it. I don't know what my twin said earlier are true or not.

Is it true that I have feelings towards her?

"Yes sure,keep lying to yourself and don't regret if I take her away from you. It's not too late Park Jongseong"

Stupid. He knows that if he wants something I still will give him everything that he wants.

I might've sacrificed myself if he wants too.

I did everything for him. I gave everything to him.

As long as he is happy.

But until when?

I'm just his shadow.

You're just his shadow Park Jongseong.

"Hahaha,what should I do now Jeon Yeseul? I got mixed signals. And it's all because of you"

As I'm laying on my bed,I'm looking at my phone. I looked in the gallery.

Scrolling through the album to find her picture.


Her picture without makeup that I took when she passed out that time.

"Yeah,it's true that she's pretty"

"Even without makeup. You're still pretty,dumbo"

"Like four years ago"

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