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"Dumbo,I never knew that you're this rich? Your house is huge"Jay said as he walked in to my house.

"You should see my dad's too"I replied to him. It's true that my dad's house is two times bigger and looks more luxury than my mom's.

"You can put the food at the kitchen. Go to the left"I said to him and pointed at the left side of my house.


"Holy sh- Since when you have a cat?"Jay cursed when he saw my cat.

Oh. He allergic to a cat. I forgot.

"Jjongssaeng,come here"I called my cat and he came towards me.

"Good boy"I patted my cat's head.

I saw Jay looking at me with a disgusting face.

I chuckled. "Ah,I know you are allergic to a cat. I will put him back in his cage. Don't worry"

I put my cat in his cage immediately and went to the kitchen.

"Why your cat's name is Jjongssaeng?"He asked me with a curious face.

So,who's gonna tell him that I took that cat because of Jonghyeong and I thought he was Jay that time?

"Was it became of Jonghyeong?"

"How did you know?"

"He told me that time he met a girl with tteokboki and asked her to bring that cat with her since he knows that I'm allergic to it"

"And I just found out that girl was you. What a coincidence"

"Well,I guess so"I smiled at him and started to prepare the food that he brought earlier.

"So,since when you started to like me?"He asked me with a curious face.


How the heck should I answer his question?

What would he react if I tell him that I've liked him since two years ago?

Was it two years or more?

I didn't remember it.

As I could remember,I fell in love with him when I saw him at the music room. It was my first day of school at there.

He was playing an electric guitar.

After that,I kept seeing him went to the music room right after the school ended.

He looks so cool and I don't know how to explain this. I feel safe when I see him.

"No need to know"I said and ignored him.

He suddenly back hugged me. "Babe,don't ignore me"

"I'm not. I'm trying to prepare the food"

He tightened the hug and kissed my cheek. "Liar"

I'm facing him. "Ew,stop it"

He suddenly lifted me up and put me on the kitchen counter. "Baby girl"

I can feel my cheeks are burning right now.


"I love you"

"Eh- Eh?!??"

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