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"Hey,dumbo. Get in the car"Jay said to me as soon as he saw me at the parking lot.

"What? Car? Who's car?"I looked at him confusedly.

"I know I called you dumbo but why are you so dumb?"He replied and rolled his eyes.

He showed his keys at me. "My car"

Oh- So that's why I didn't see his bike. He drive a car today.

I hesitantly got into his car and closed the door.

"Please wear the seatbelt. I don't want my slave to die early than me"He said and aggressively wear his seatbelt.

I wear my seatbelt and still looking at him confusedly.

Many students looking at us. I felt embarrassed.

"Why are they looking at us? I know I'm hot but not now. I'm in hurry and they really stuck in front of my car"

I can't believe he is talk about himself at this time.

He suddenly honking and rolled down the window.


They immediately gave him some spaces.

Finally,we got out from school. Sighed.

"Jay,we are going to where?"I asked him. God,I'm so scared. He really looks like he's mad. I can see veins popped out from his neck.


"For what?"

"Let's pay a visit for your beloved Jaehyuk"

"What? For what?"

"You will know later"

"What the fuck? Wh-why are you here?"Jaehyuk stuttered when he saw Jay behind me.

"Uhm,he said he want me to follow him"I replied. I'm not sure if he talked to me or to Jay.

Suddenly Jay put his arm around my neck.

Badumm badumm

"So,bestie. I brought our girl today. You should thanks to me"He said and smirked.

Our girl? What does it mean?

"Jay,what do you mean our girl? I don't understand"I asked Jay. I turned my head at him. Looking for an answer.

"Aww,didn't you said that she's your girl? But she's mine as well too. So she's our girl. Is it right?"Jay explained and looked at me. That smirked. I wish I could slap him on the face right now. So annoying.

"J-Jay. I'm so sorry. I won't do that again"Jaehyuk apologize. Huh? What the heck? I don't understand a single things that happen in front of me right now.

Jay suddenly pushed my body towards Jaehyuk.

He is so strong. He pushed me until I realized that I already sat on Jaehyuk's bed.

What the hell?

"I allow you to touch her for the last time"

I looked at Jaehyuk and Jay confusedly.

"You said you want to touch her so bad right? Go for it or you will regret it later"Jay smirked at him.

"N-no. It's okay. I don't want it"Jaehyuk looked so scared like he already saw grim reaper in front of him.

"Look at this"Jay passed me Jaehyuk's phone. I took it and read the conversation in his phone.

Look at Jeon Yeseul from 3-5 class. She look so goddamn hot. I want to touch her so bad

Watching her wearing those short skirt when she cheerleading turned me on dude!

But her boobs is kinda small but I like that shaking ass. Hahahahhaha.

Damn bro! You got that taste! She's popular too! I bet she's a slut too

So,you think she's a typical slut in our school too?

Ofc! Popular girl always craving for someone dick. I bet she's very good in bed. Hahahaha!

Let's make a bet. If I date her. You guys need to pay me 200 dollars! Deal?

Don't forget to tell us how good is she. You know what I mean right?? Btw,yes deal!

Deal! And good luck! Haha pls don't forget to update to us okay??

Oh pls don't forget to take some of her 'good' pics. I know you have a collection with your slut. I will pay for it. Hehe

What the hell is going on?

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