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Everything is already dark. Did I go out for too long? I should probably go back home right now. It's dangerous.

I don't want to walk in to that alley. It's so dark. I'm scared but it's the fastest way to go home.

Whatever,I will walk fast then.

"Hey,where are you going babygirl?"

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and brought me to an old building.

It was Jaehyuk and his friends.

"What the hell? Let me go!"I swung my arm hard and he let go.


"Hold her" Jaehyuk signaled them and they obeyed. They holding me tightly.

"Don't you dare to come near me or I will scream!"

"Just scream then. I want to see what your pretty mouth can do"He said and smirked.

His fingers brushed my cheeks. "I always wanted to taste you"

"And I wanted to try that bitch too but you interrupted me earlier"

"Girls are not toy that you can play with whenever you're bored"

He suddenly slapped me. "Shut the fuck up bitch. Don't try to lecture me"

My cheek hurts and I can feel my tears started to fill up

"This time,Jay can't save you"He laughed out loud.

"Girl,I always like your long hair but why you cuts it?"

"I did it not for you. So,it's up to me if I want to cut it or do whatever I want"I rolled my eyes.

"Why you're so brave these days?"

"I'm always like this"

"I like it"He replied and suddenly his fingers ran towards my buttons shirt.

"Don't do stupid things okay? I don't want to hurt you"

Man must be forgotten about my legs too,they might have holding my arms but not my legs.

"Fuck you"I said as I kicked at between his legs hard.

He screamed in pain and his friends ran towards him immediately.

I quickly took my things and ran away.

But I think I already lost in this building.

I quickly hide.

"Where are you,bitch? I told you,don't do something stupid. I'm going to hurt you real bad" I heard Jaehyuk's voice.

I tried to control my breathing because I'm breathing fast and I don't want him to hear me.

Fuck,I'm done.

Out of panic,I suddenly searched something in my bag and I found a weird tool that Jay gave me.

What kind of function is this button do? Do I need to press it? What will happen if I do that?

I pressed the button once,nothing happened.

I pressed the button for second time,nothing happened too.

Why it's not working?

I pressed the button for the third time and it suddenly ringing with the loud noise.


"Gotcha!"Jaehyuk grabbed my leg and pulled it towards him.

"I'm sorry"I said to him. I'm scared.

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