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"Jay oppa,please listen to me. I'm sorry okay?"Taehee grabbed my arm and swung it several times. What the heck? My arms,my body and everywhere hurts because of that fight. Can she stop doing this?

"I told you already,there's nothing to explain anymore. It already happened"I replied to her coldly.

God. I just came back from the school and why this girl suddenly appeared in my house?

I pulled my arm away from her. "Stop it. You're so annoying"

"I'm sorry"

"Why you apologized to me? You should apologize to Yeseul"If she didn't viral that video this is not going to happen. Now,Yeseul needs to hideouts from people because of that.

I looked at her. Her eyes started to become teary. Drama queen.

"If your tears can help solve the problems then cry. If not then just get out from my face now"I rolled my eyes.

"Why you did this to me? Is not my fault that you guys broke up"This girl,oh god. I almost got high blood pressure because of her.

"I didn't say anything"

"Then what? Tell me,what did I do wrong to you? Why you treat me like this?"

"Why don't you ask yourself?"


I rolled my eyes. She doesn't have to complicate things. All I need is her explanation.

"Listen,I'm not upset because we broke up. I just want to know why you did that to her?"I looked at her right into her eyes,waiting for the answer from her.

She looked away. "I'm going home"

"I knew something was off. Tell me"

"No need to know"She replied plainly.

"Why you hate her? What did she do wrong to you?"

"She took you guys away from me."

I rose my eyebrows. "Huh?"

"You don't understand how I feel. No one understands"

"Then tell me. I will try to understand you"

"Listen,I'm back to Korea because my parents are divorced. I'm here because I'm alone. I just have you and Jonghyeong only but because of her,I feel like both of you started to distance yourself from me"

I silently looked at her. She might be right. Me and Jonghyeong always ignored her whenever Yeseul were here.

I forgot how lonely she was. She doesn't have anyone except me and Jonghyeong. How selfish I am.

She suddenly cried. "You promised me to always be by my side but why you did this to me?"

So,is this what broken home people feels?

"Taehee,I'm so-"

She cuts me off. "No,don't apologize to me"

"I'm the one who did all of these things. Stop making me feels like a bad person"

"I know I'm a bad person"She rolled her eyes.

"And I need to tell you something"She looked at me as she wiped her tears.

"What is it?"

"I love you"

"So fucking much"

She looked at me like she's waiting for my answer. What should I do? I'm confused.

"Listen Taehee. You were good to me and you were always nice to me and my twin. I really appreciate that but I'm sorry to tell you this..."

"I can't accept your feelings. I really think you as a younger sister. Nothing more than that"

"Why you can't accept me? I knew you since you were younger and I knew everything about you. Just why? Am I not prettty enough?"

"Yeseul is ugly and I'm prettier than her!"

"I don't care about appearance,it's all about heart and personality"I smiled at her.

"What do you see in her that you don't see in me?"

"Only me who knows it"

"And if you called her ugly once again. I will make sure you will regret it. No joke"I gave her a death glared. This time,I'm not joking. I will make her regret everything.

"Fun fact,when everyone think Yeseul is ugly but me and Jonghyeong think she's the most beautiful girl that we've ever seen"I smiled at her proudly. She rolled her eyes.

"You guys are weirdo. Go get some help"

"Yeah,I agreed about that. I need some help because I fell harder every time I see her"

I just came back home from going to convenience store and I didn't expect to meet Yeseul at there.

I went there because I want to buy some ointments and medicines because we already ran out it at home. Luckily,she helped me to treat my wounds and bruises.

As I walked into the living room. I saw Jay scrolling through his phone,looked at the pictures of him and Yeseul.

Man still not move on I guess...

"Hey"I greeted him.

He looked up. "What?"

"What are you doing?"

"Not your business"He replied coldly.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Go treat your wounds and whatsoever"

"Why do you care?"

I sighed. "Because I care about you"


"Fuck"I cursed while looking at him.

"Yeah,I don't but someone else is care about you"

He rose his left eyebrow. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I threw a plastic bag that contain some ointments and medicines in front of him. "There,Yeseul bought that for you"


"Are you dumb or something?"

"She still cares about you"

"I don't care"He said plainly.

"I don't want to care too but seeing her in pain. I couldn't stand with it anymore"

"Do it for her. Treat your wounds"

"What the fuck. You were the one who wanted her. Then,go to her. Chase her. I give you a chance"

"I gave up"

I sighed. "She really likes you. No,she really loves you"

"Stop being ego and chase her back before it's going too late"

He smirked at me. "Really?"

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh,whatever. I did this because I loved her and not because of you"

"I guessed,that fight really worth it"He smirked.

"And don't fucking beat me again. I'm not good with fighting with people"

"Thanks bro,I appreciate that"He laughed out loud at me.


Hi!!! Hehehe. I'm sorry for being inactive for awhile but I think I'm going to inactive again since I need to prepare for eid!

I already decided what ending that I will do. So,please stay tuned!

Don't forget to vote and comment okies <3

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