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"Long time no see,Yeseul"I said and smiled at her.

She nodded and smiled back. "Yes"

"It's only been three days tho"Jay said and rolled his eyes.

"But I miss her!"I replied to him and hugged Yeseul.

She froze her body and widen her eyes.


Why she didn't hug me back? Like she used to do?

I quickly loosened the hug from her and step back "Sorry"

"Huh? Hahaha. That's okay. I'm the one who should say sorry"She said and still smiled at me.

"Why? Oh no. I'm sorry. Don't apologize to me. It's not your fault okay?"I panicked when I saw her face for no reason.

"Shut up and let's watch movie"Jay said and showed his annoying face.

"Wait. I invited another guests too."I replied to him.



Taehee said out loud right after she entered the house. She suddenly hugged Jay.

"What the-"Jay almost cursed but he stopped from do it.

I saw Yeseul only standing at there and watched them. There's no reaction on her face.

Is she okay?

I came towards her. "Yeseul,are you okay?"

She looked at me. "Yes"

"Okay. Just go and take a sit at there. I will bring some snacks and let's watch movie together okay?"

She nodded and just left me.

Why she's so weird today?

We currently watching 'Sierra Burgess Is A Loser' movie. I just found out that this movie was Yeseul's type of movie. She likes this kind of genre. She likes teen romantic movie but she's hopeless romantic.

I looked at Taehee who sits next to me. She's playing with her phone. Totally shows that she didn't give any single care about the movie.

"Jason Oppa. Can you take some potato chips for me? I ran out of it"Taehee said to me.

"Yes sure"I want to go to bathroom anyways. I don't mind at all.

I want to ask Yeseul but she looks so focus on that Tv screen. Same goes to Jay too.

I went to bathroom to wash my face. After that,I went to the kitchen and took some potato chips. I brought some soft drinks too.

I went to the living room back and I saw Yeseul and Jay holding hands.

Wait? Holding hands?

Taehee is already asleep. This girl...

"Babe,stop. We can't do this here. What if Jonghyeong see us?"

"I just want a kiss"

"I love you"

I freeze up. I can't believe this. They dating each other?

That's why she kept pushed me away.

My heart hurts so fucking back.

Jay,my twin betrayed me.

Why he didn't tell me? I felt betrayed.

Yeseul my girl...

What does he have that I don't have?

I treated her better than he did.

He's a jerk.

"If you like a jerk. I can be one for you"I said to myself while looking at Taehee.

"Let's play a dirty game,Jay"


"Thanks for inviting me to watch movie. I really enjoyed it"I said to Jonghyeong and smiled at him

"Oh,it's okay. Small matter. Let's watch another movie next week"He replied to me and smiled at me back.


"It's late already. Let's go. I will send you back home"Jay said and took his car's key.

"Hey,don't forget to wake her up too. It's late already and make sure you send her back. I hate nuisance"Jay told Jonghyeong about Taehee.

Jonghyeong rolled his eyes. "Of course"

"Anyways,are you going to come back or not?"Jonghyeong asked Jay and smirked.

"Huh? What do you mean? I have a house. Of course I will come back after I send her. What? Do you want me to sleep at outside or something?"Jay replied and gave him an annoying face.

"Just ask. I thought you're going...Nothing. Okay. I will wait for you"Jonghyeong said to him and gave him an awkward smile.


"Let's go dumbo"Jay suddenly called me and he already entered his car.

"Bye Jonghyeong. Thank you again and good night"I said to Jonghyeong and waved at him.

"Bye Yeseul and good night"
Hi! Hehe this is last update before I'm going to study for my final exam.

Hopefully you're enjoying it!

Anyways,my birthday is on 24th February and I don't know what theme should I do. I want to post something on my instagram on that day. Can you give me some ideas?

Btw,pls ignore my grammatical errors or typos. I'm super lazy to edit again.

Hehe I will be right back after my final exam

Love you xx

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