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Finally,sports season has arrived. I can't wait to see Jay play rugby!

"So,when's your cheer lead practice?"Sooah asked me as she put her book in her backpack.

"This evening"

Honestly,I'm so lazy. It's been awhile since the cheerleading club was active.

"Do you want me to wait for you? I can stay at the library"Sooah said and suddenly she looked at Jay.

"Or do you want to be alone with him?"She whispered in my ears. My face suddenly burned up.

"Hey! What are you thinking??? Of course no!"I pinched her arm. How dare she said something like that to me.

"Someone's panic lol"She smirked at me.


What the fuck Sooah?! Why she said it out loud?!

"Why would I?"Jay stared at us with a cold glare. He suddenly got up from his seat and about to leave the class.

"Because she will wear a very 'cute' cheerlead uniform and I don't want some weird guy approach her. You know what I mean?"

Jay suddenly stopped from leaving the class and looking at us.

"She doesn't need to wear that uniform isn't it? She can wear a normal sports clothes"Jay looking at me with a death glare.

Fuck. I don't want this. I'm scared.

"Hey,Yeseul. Don't be late today. We have meeting after school. We need to try our new uniform"Mina said when she saw us still in class.

"New uniform?"

"Yes bitch. New uniform. I heard it kinda 'cute'. Can't wait to try it"Mina said and giggles. She left three of us again.

"New uniform? Is it going to be super tight and more shorter again?"Sooah asked and looking at me worriedly.

I nodded. "Maybe?"

"So,Jay Park. How? You don't want to-"Sooah slowly looking at me and smirked.

"Whatever"Jay said as he rolled his eyes and left.


The practice went normal. I'm still a little bit tired. Well,it's been a long time since I did the practice. But luckily the practice already ended.

"1! 2! 3! 4!"

"1! 2! 3! 4!"

It's cheerleading practice and they still practice? Why they're so loud? It's already late.

"Dude,did you see that girl? In front row,the middle one"Minjae said at me and pointed at the person he talked about.

Jeon Yeseul


"She's hot dude. Can you see? They're wearing their new uniform and look at her. She's gorgeous!"

"I'm not interested with girls"I said as I rolled my eyes. She's not that cute lol.

"Only gay don't like her stupid. She's stunning"

"Should I ask her out?"

What the hell?

"Minjae,are you sure she won't reject you?"Jaemin asked Minjae. Since when he got here?

"If she rejects me. I'm still going to be grateful because at least she knows my existence"Minjae said and suddenly made a finger heart.


"In your dream. She already have a boyfriend"I said to him with a death glare.

"Huh? Who? Why I didn't know about it?"Minjae gave me a confused face and slowly looking at Jaemin.

Jaemin shooked his head.

"I'm her classmate. Of course I know everything about her"I rolled my eyes again. Can these guys stopped talking about her?

"Yahhhh! Jeon Yeseul?!"

"Are you okay?!!"

We looked at the cheerleaders immediately because we heard someone shouting.

"Fuck,it's Jeon Yeseul. Why she's on the ground?"Jaemin asked worriedly.

I didn't realize why I ran towards her. When I arrived at the cheerleading practice place,I saw her lying on the ground with a pale face.

"What's wrong with her?"I asked them.

"I think she fainted"

"I will take her to hospital. You guys can continue the practice"I said,and carried her in bridal style.

Stupid Yeseul. Stop make me worry about you

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