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I rang the doorbell and waited for the door to be opened. Why today's so cold? But not me,my heart is burning. My heart hurts.

I tried my best to get her attention but all she knows is my twin. I hate it. I fucking hate it.

I did everything for her but she still couldn't see it.

Whatever. If he likes to play a game,then let's play a game. I told you,I won't lose with my twin.

The door finally opened. "Oh? Jonghyeong oppa? What are you doing here?"

Taehee greeted me with her smile and invited me to her house.

"Nothing. I'm just bored"I looked around her house,pretty and simple.

"I'm watching drama right now. Do you want to join me?"She pointed at her tv screen.


We both watching drama right now. Even though,I don't understand what happened in that drama,I just kept watching it.

"May I know why you came here actually?"Taehee asked me. I accidentally looked into her eyes. It's weird,her eyes tells me something that I don't understand.

"I said I'm just bor-"

"Shh- I know something happened to you. There's something bothering you right now. Am I right?"She said and smirked.


"What is it? Tell me"She suddenly brushed her fingertips on my face seductively.

"Do you want beer or something? It can help you to ease your mind a little bit"

"What the hell? We are still minor"

"Did you forget that it's pretty normal in America?"She smirked and suddenly left me.

She did not do that right?

"Hey,I bring something that can bring us to heaven"She said and showed me some cans of beer.

"No,I won't drink it"

"It's up to you"She said and took a can of beer and drink it.

I can see that she's starting to drunk.

"You came here because of Jay,weren't you?"She smirked at me.


"I knew it from the movie night. You acted weird whenever Jay and Yeseul together."

"Tell me that little dirty secret,Sir"She said and brushed her fingertips on my face again.

No,don't tell her Jonghyeong.

Did you forget that how obsessive and crazy she is?

"Tell me,I might actually help you with the problem"

I took a can of beer and chugged it all.

Fuck,it tasted so bitter and weird. I felt dizzy.

"They are together. They dated each other"

"Oh? Really?"She smirked and suddenly laughed.

"I knew it. They both really looked suspicious from the start"


"I hate him. He stole my girl"

"It's okay,I hate her too. She stole my man"

"You like Jay?"Wait why I just found out that she likes my twin?

"No,I LOVE him"She smirked at me. Her eyes turned into dark black.

"So,what are we going to do now?"She holding my chin and brought my face closer to her.

"Let's make them break up with each other"I said to her.

Shit,what the hell did I just say right now?

"No. Forget about it"I quickly said to her. I regret it.

"Oh why?" Because of your twin? You loved him? Did you forget that you said you hated him earlier?"

She whispered. "It's win-win situation. I get my Jay,you get your Yeseul. It's fair and square. Am I right?"

Fuck,this is so wrong, but why does it feel so right?

"Fine,let's do this together"

"Good choice,sir"

"But,don't harm my Yeseul. If I know you do that to her. I'm not hesitate to kill you"

"Oh,that's so scary. Okay fine"She replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"That's it. I'm going home now"I'm about to leave but she suddenly stopped me from leaving.

"Wait. It's already late. You should stay here tonight"She said seductively.

What the fuck? What the hell she wants now?

"You know...I'm in that mood right now..."She said and brushed her fingertips on my chest. Fuck.

"What are you talking about?"

She whispered in my ear. "I know you want it too"

Why she keeps seducing me?

"Stop it now Taehee. You know,I'm a man right? If you keep doing that. I can't guarantee your safety"I tried to threaten her.

"You can imagine me as Yeseul,Jason"She bites her lower lips and suddenly looked at my lips.

"Since your face is same as Jay. I can imagine you as Jay too. Win-win situation"She smirked and seductively looked at me.

I drink my leftover beer. Shit my head hurts.

"Jonghyeong?"I saw Yeseul in front of me. Why she's here? Where's Taehee?

"Yeseul?"She smiled at me. What an angel.

"Is this a dream? Why you are here Yeseul?"

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"I love you,I fucking love you Jeon Yeseul"

"I love you too"She replied and smiled at me.

I know this is not real. I'm drunk. But shit I can't control myself anymore.

"Fuck it"I pulled her and our lips collided.

Suddenly our night became more longer than usual.
Hi! Hehehe sorry for late update! I'm a lil bit busy these days.

So,what about now? Are you still like Jonghyeong's character? Hehehe dont hate him okayy-

Pls ignore any errors and grammatical mistakes in there ')

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