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I walked to my class with anxious. I didn't see Jay's bike at the parking lot. What if he got hurt so bad yesterday?

Jay please tell me that you are okay.

As I open the door,I looked at Jay's desk.


"Hey dumbo,why are you late?"


I almost screamed when I saw Jay behind me.

I looked at him up and down. He's perfectly fine.

Except,his lips. His lips are bruised.

"Are you okay?"I asked him hesitantly.

"Do I look like I'm okay?"He replied coldly and rolled his eyes.

He must be mad at me.

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah,save your apology later and treat me food"He said and left me.

"Here's your food. I don't know what you like. So, I just bought whatever that I thinks it's good"I said and put the food on the table.

He ignored me and still reading his book.

"So,can I go now? Sooah is probably waiting for me"I asked him. I can't leave Sooah alone. I already made a promise with her to eat together today.


What the hell?


"I said sit down"He glared at me. God,those death glare. It looks like he wants to kill me.

"Okay! Fine!"I took a sit on the chair. Facing him.

He closed his book and put it aside.

He took the corn cheese. Why it's always corn?

"What are you looking at? Eat"He said coldly. Okay Mr Corn. I know. Ugh,so annoying.

I slowly took a bread from the plastic bag.

"Uhm,I thought you're absent today"I tried to start a conversation with him.

"Why would I?"He replied and raised his left eyebrow.

Should I tell him that I waited for him at the parking lot?

"Well,I didn't see your bike this morning"

"So,you waited for me huh?"He asked and smirked at me.

"N-no! I didn't!"I said and slammed the table.

"Oh,chill. No need to be like that dumbo"

"But I-"

"Jonghyeong told me that you are worried about me"

Oh shit-

"Don't worry dummy. I'm not weak okay"He added up and flicking my forehead.

"AUCHHH!!"I felt dizzy for a second. Why he's so mean?!

"Hahaha dumbass"He laughed and left me alone at the rooftop.

Why he's always be like that? I can't understand him

"Sooah baby,I'm so sorry. Something came up earlier"I said as soon as I walked into my class.

"Oh,it's okay. Jay told me that you have emergency meeting with cheerleaders club. I understand"Sooah replied. What?

Jay told her I have an emergency meeting? Cheerleader club? Since when? What the hell?

"So,your club going to cheer the rugby team for next week or the basketball team?"Sooah asked. So,this month is sports season? Why I don't remember it?

I don't know which team my club going to cheer. But I hope I can go to rugby team. I want to see Jay play rugby.

"Nah,I'm not sure. We just talked about our new uniforms"At this point I will be the professional liar.

She just nodded.

"Oh by the way,did you heard about Jaehyuk? That dude who obsessed with you?"

Jaehyuk? Oh-


"I heard he got beaten up with someone and some of his bones were broken!"Sooah said in dramatic way.

I slowly turned my head at Jay. Why he changed his seat again? He's so weird.

Now,I'm scared with Jay. How could he beat Jaehyuk like that? Surely,Jaehyuk is bigger than him.

"So,where's Jaehyuk?"

"Of course,at the hospital. Stupid"


Jay. What did you do yesterday?

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