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So,Jonghyeong invited me to his house for breakfast. I'm honestly didn't want to go but he insisted. So,I just followed him.

I hope Jay won't say anything.

Why I feel so nervous?

Finally we arrived at the destination.

Jonghyeong opened the door and shouted


"Who the hell did you bring?"Jay asked as he walked towards us.


I saw Jay's half-naked body. His hard abs,muscular arms.

I can feel my face started to red.

I close my eyes with my palms.

"I'm sorry!"

"Who? Oh,dumbo girl"He said calmly.

"Dude,go to your room and put some clothes. Disgusting"Jonghyeong said to Jay.

"Why I need to wear clothes in my own house?"Jay asked annoyingly.

"Because we have a girl in our house now?"Jonghyeong answered him and looking at me.

I just sit on the couch silently. This is so awkward.

I looked at Jay and Jonghyeong at the kitchen. Probably they are preparing something for breakfast.

"I want pancakes"Jonghyeong said to Jay and pouted.

"No,I'm lazy to cook today. Eat cereal"

"But we have guest today. Cook something special please?"Jonghyeon said as he looked at me who just stayed at the living room.

"Excuse me? YOUR guest. NOT me"Jay replied to him annoyingly.

"Aaaaa,Jayjay pleaseeee. Pancakesss. I want pancakes"Jonghyeong shakes Jay's arm and Jay slapped Jonghyeong's hand hardly.

"If you want to eat then do it yourself"

I almost laughed when I heard he called Jay as 'Jayjay'. Cute nickname.

Jay walked towards me and took a sit in front of me.

"Just ignore him. He's not in state of his mind"He said and looking at his phone.


Shit,my stomach.

"Are you hungry?"Jay looks at me confusedly as he heard my stomach grumbling.

I shook my head.


"Sorry,I don't have any healthy foods to give you"He said sarcastically.


"But if you want to eat pancake. I think I can make some"He said coldly and slowly peeking at the kitchen.

Jonghyeong sit on the kitchen counter and pouted. He must want to eat pancakes so badly.

"I'm sorry to burden you. It's okay. I can go back to my house and eat my breakfast at there"I said to him.

Yes,I didn't plan to come here after all. It was because I accidentally met Jonghyeong went I'm on my way to go home.

"Nah,it's okay. I will make some breakfast. Stay there"He said coldly and left me alone.

I'm watching Jay and Jonghyeong preparing breakfast on the table. I want to help but I'm scared of Jay. He lowkey gave me a death glare when I tried to help them.

Like why? Was it wrong to help them?

"What are you looking at? Eat"Jay said as he looked at me with his cold stares.

Oh,it's already done? Damn fast.

I look at the table. There's a lot of food.

Pancakes,bacon,toast,fried eggs,fries...

Are you sure that Jay said that he was lazy earlier?

"Yeay! Pancakes!" Jonghyeong screaming happily as he hand reaches the plate.

But Jay suddenly slapped his hand. "Excuse me,this is not for you"


Me and Jonghyeong look at Jay confusedly.

"I made this for her. My dumb slave"Jay said as he pushed the plate towards me.

"Oh,the discrimination"Jonghyeong said as he made a dramatic face at Jay.

"Eat your toast"Jay said to him and made an annoying face.

"Maple syrup or chocolate syrup?"Jay asked me


I honestly don't know how to say nor to react. To be honest,this is my first time eating this after two years of dieting. Those harmful diets. I almost forgot how does pancakes taste like.

Am I going to get fat again?

I'm scared.

"You won't get fat,dumbo. Just eat"Jay said to me and suddenly pour some maple syrup and chocolate syrup on my pancakes.

"Aaaahh,that pancakes look so tasty. Can I have some?"Jonghyeong said as he looked at my plate.

I nodded.

"Yeayy!! Thank youuu!!"Jonghyeong said happily and he took his fork to take some of my pancakes.

But Jay slapped his hand again. This time more harder than before.

"Stop it. Don't steal someone's food. Am I not giving you enough food?"Jay asked him and gave him a death glare.

"Ugh,fine stingy man!"

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