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Finally. I kissed her. God. If she knows how my heartbeat beats like this. She would tease me.

I don't know what is wrong with me.

Maybe,it is just a masculine urge to kiss her.

Oh,don't be mad at me. I really love her.

"Hey,do you want to go at there?"She asked me and pointed at the convenience store.

I looked at her confusedly. "Why?"

She looked at her feet. Her face looks all red.

"Ice cream?"

"In the middle of the cold weather?"I looked at her. Couldn't believe that she wanted to eat ice cream in the middle of the cold weather.

"It-it is because-"She stuttered and looked away from me.

"What is it?"

"I feel hot and need something to cool me down"

My lips curled into a smile. I cupped her cheeks.

"Let me see"Her cheeks feel so hot. I think she wasn't lies when she said that she felt hot.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you caught colds?"

She shook her head. "No?"

"Then,why your cheeks are hot? It's look like it going to explode soon"

She rolled her eyes and slapped my hand.

"Oh? Why? What's wrong? What did I do?"

"It's your fault"



She shouted at me and walked away without looking at me.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Hey"


"I'm sorry"

"Why you apologize to me?"

"Because I stole your first kiss?"

She hits my arm. "Fuck you"

"Oh? Really? You want?"

"Hey! Park Jongseong!"

I smiled when I saw her face flustered. She didn't need to be this cute. God.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry. Let's go and buy some ice cream"

"What flavor do you like?"I asked her as I looked into the fridge.

"Mint choco"

I looked at her with a disgusting face. "Excuse me?"


"You said what? Mint choco?"I asked her for confirmation. I hope it's a joke.

"Mint choco. I like mint choco and stop doing that face"She said and rolled her eyes. She went to the fridge and took two ice cream.

"This"She showed the ice cream at me and smiled.

If she keeps smiling like that,I might buy the whole fridge for her.

"Is it enough for you? Just take whatever you want. I will pay it for you"I said with my plain face.

Then,we ended up having some ice creams,noodles and snacks. I knew that she would buy a lot of stuff.

Honestly,I really happy when I see her started to eat without any fears and guilty anymore.

Go little rockstar

Luckily,this convenience store has a place for us to sit and eat. We took a sit at there and have a talk again.

"Hey,do you want to try this?"She asked me and showed the mint colored ice cream at me.

I gave her a disgusting face. "I guess,no?"

"Ugh,your loss"She rolled her eyes and eat her ice cream.

I noticed how clumsy she was. She even got ice cream on her and everywhere. Cute.

"Dumbo,wipe those messy that you did"

"Huh? Did I got ice cream on me? Where?"She asked me panickly and tried to wipe it using her finger.

"Not there"

"Not there"

"Not there too"


I grabbed her chin and pulled closer into my face.

Until our lips collide.

I let her go and pulled out from the kiss.

"There"I said as I licked my lips and I tasted the mint choco ice cream from my lips.

Weird but sweet.

Her face flushed red and her eyes widen.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Clean your mess?"

I smirked at her. "Dumbo just tell me if you want me to kiss you again. I'm willing to do that again"

"You already kissed me two times today!"

"Okay? So,do you want the third one?"


"It's not pervert. It's called love,dumbo"

She made a disgusting face to me. "I'm leaving"

I grabbed her arm "Oh really? Too early. Eat your noodles and those snacks that I already bought for you first. No wasting,kid"


"What's wrong? Are you okay? I'm sorry if you didn't like what I did"I apologized to her. I forgot that she's might not into me like I'm into her. I might got unrequited love.

"No. You did nothing wrong. I'm just embarrassed"She said and hide her face with both of her palms.

I patted her head. "Awww,you're so cute"

"I know,okay? Stop treating me like a kid!"She slapped my shoulder really hard.

I laughed at her. "Then,should I treat you like a woman now?"

She rolled her eyes. "As you should"



I grabbed her chin again. "What did you said?"

She widen her eyes. "Eh eh,no no. I didn't say anything. Let me go!"

I did what she said. "Fine. I was joking. Chill"

"I don't care if you want to kiss me but why you needed to kiss me when we were literally on the ground? What if someone sees us that time?!"

"Let them be?"

"You have no shame aren't you?"

"If I'm with you,I might throw my everything including my pride too"

"Ew,why you sounded so sappy?"

My lips curled into a smile. "Anything for you my princess"


Hi! Hehehe happy 2k reads! Thanks for supporting this book <3

I'm honestly,so happy when I keep seeing notifications about this book. Finally,people slowly recognize this book T_T

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Love you xx

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