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I don't mind at all if he wants me to be his slave but why is he sitting behind me? Why he suddenly changed his seat?

I want to ask him but I'm so scared that he will do something bad to me.

"So,I need you to find your partner to do this assignment. The due is next month. Take your time okay?"Mrs Kwon said as she began to pass the paperwork to us.

Suddenly,I feel someone pulled my hair at the back. My head tilted back.

"My dumb slave,don't you ever find someone else. You are mine. Let's do that shit together. Got it?"He said as he whisper into my ears.

I nodded and tried to tap his hand to tell him to let go of my hair. It's hurt as hell.

But what I got was he pulled my hair harder. I can feel my eyes started to tear up.

"Good girl"He whispered in his deep voice. I can feel his hot breath on my ears.

"Ca-can you let go of my hair now? It's hurt"I said to him.

He suddenly bites my earlobe and it causing me to slam my face on my desk due to shock of what he did.

"Miss Jeon? Are you okay?"Mrs Kwon asked me with her worried face.

My classmates looking at me confusedly.


I can hear him laughing at me silently.


"Oh sorry,nothing Mrs Kwon"I replied to her and looking at my desk silently,

"Next time,don't do that again okay?"She said firmly.

"Hey,weirdo. I'm hungry. Can you buy me some snacks at the store?"He asked me and give me a smirk.

This asshole. I take it back when I said I like him.

"Why would I do that for you?"I replied as I slowly taking out my lunchbox. Ugh,salad again. Too healthy. Ew.

"Buy some corns,cheese garlic bread and some dumplings. I will wait you at the rooftop"He said and gave me his card before he leaves.

"Yeseul. Let's eat together"Sooah said as she took her chair to my desk.

"Oh no,sorry. I'm going to buy something at the store and go to somewhere else"I replied to her half panicked.

"To buy what and where?"She asked confusedly while opening her lunchbox.

"Buy some snacks and go to meet Mrs Kwon. I want to ask her about the assignment she told us earlier"I lied to her. Shit,I swear I didn't mean to. I just don't want her to know about me and Jay.

"Oh,okay and did you already found your partner for the assignment?"She asked and smiled at her food.

"Yes,I did. Why?"If she knows that I paired up with Jay,I don't know what kind of reaction she will do.

"Oh nothing. Now go do your stuff. Don't come late"She gave me her sweetest smile at me.

I'm sorry Sooah,sorry for lying.

I already bought what Jay asked me to buy. But the thing is I'm so lazy to climb up all the stairs to go to rooftop.

There's so many places to go but why rooftop?

Sighed. I already in front of the door. Hopefully,he don't do something that will upset me.

I opened the door. "Here's your order,sir"

The wind slowly hitting my face.

My eyes capture the most beautiful figure in front of me.

Jay. Reading a book. Beautiful.

Badumm badumm

Shit,why my heart can stop beating fast?!

"Oh,you're here already? Come here. Sit"He close his book and pointed his finger at the empty chair in front of him.

I nodded and hesitated to sit but I did.

"Give me my corn,please"He said and look at me with his cold gaze.

I gave him his corn that I bought earlier. This man and corn can't even separate.

I just silently watching him eating corn. Cute.

"What are you watching? Like your view so much huh?"He asked and smirked at me.

Geez. I hate him.

"Shut up and just eat. I forgot to bring my lunchbox"Silly me,I left my lunchbox at the class. Now,I'm hungry and watch him enjoying his food.

"Eat"He said and pushed plastic bowl that contain tteokboki in there to me.

I gave him a confused face.

"My dumb slave needs to eat or she won't last for a day"He said and rolled his eyes.

I forgot he's a jerk.

"I don't like tteokboki. I just eat salad and healthy food only"I replied to him and slowly pushed back the plastic bowl at him.

"Liar. I saw you bought a lot of snack last night"He said and rise his left eyebrow.

"Shut up"

"Eat or I will tell people that you are a liar"He threatening me again? Excuse me??

"Hey,don't you dare to threat me with that petty picture"I said and about to leave him. I can't stan with him anymore.

"Hey,come-here-and-eat"He said with angry tone.


I sit back and take the chopstick. "Fine"

I shove the tteokboki inside my mouth and chew it aggressively.

"Good girl"

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