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"Jeon Yeseul,are you kidding me? Why the fuck you cut your hair?!"

"Sooah,I cut it because I felt like my hair was too long. Nothing more"

"Liar! It is because you're being heartbroken right???"

"I saw someone on TikTok said if you cut your hair right after you break up-"

"No,I'm not"

"You're not going to dye your hair too right?!"

I sighed. "Of course not"

"Hey girl,are you alone? Should we go to somewhere and have fun?"

I saw Taehee and some guys around her.

Wait,is that Jaehyuk? What he's doing here with Taehee?

"I heard you slept with Jay's twin. Why not you just sleep with me? I promise that I can satisfy you"

This dude looks like he still hadn't learned anything from that incident.

I saw Taehee wanted to leave but he grabbed her.


I hate her because she ruined my life but I can't leave her alone like that. It's so dangerous.

"Sooah,I'm going to end this call right now. See you later" I said as I quickly ended the call.

I randomly took a broom that I found from somewhere and ran towards them.


I shouted at them as I swung the broom towards them.

"What a crazy woman"Jaehyuk's friend said to me.

"Yeseul,I knew you just broke up with Jay but you didn't need to be this crazy"Jaehyuk said as he laughed at me.

"Geez,let's go. See you later"Jaehyuk said to Taehee and winked at her.

"By the way,nice haircut babe"Jaehyuk said to me and smirked.

I rolled my eyes at them. Disgusting.

I looked at Taehee who keeps standing at there and staying silent. She looked like she really terrified from what happened earlier.

"Taehee? Are you okay?"I tapped her shoulder.

She slowly turned at me. "Yeah"

I grabbed her hand. It's cold. "Are you okay? Your hands are cold"

"I'm okay"

"Do you want to talk with me? I'm all ears"I offered as I smiled at her.

Yeseul put our drinks on the table. She looked at me and smiled.

I hate her so much. After everything I did to her. Why she's still be nice to me?

"Drink. I ordered americano because I remembered that you said you like it"She said and pointed at the cup.


She nodded. "My pleasure"

I looked at her,straight up into her eyes. "Listen here"


"Why you always be nice to me? You know that I already fucked up your life but why you're so nice to me? Are you dumb?"

She looked at me confusedly but then she suddenly smiled. "I hate you"

"But I can't leave you just like that. I swear,I actually wanted to pretend that I didn't see it earlier and left but I knew how terrified it was to be in your place that time"

"Fact,I already faced the same things and I knew how dangerous Jaehyuk was."

"You're stupid. I know how to protect myself. No need to save me. You're not a hero"I rolled my eyes.

"I knew"She smiled again.

This stupid bitch. Stop making me feel guilty.

"You were scared that time were you?"She asked.


"Why would I?"

"I don't know. I thought you were scared because your hands were cold and trembled"

"It's because the weather is cold,stupid"I replied to her coldly.

She took out something from her bag. "Here"


"Heat pack and pepper spray"

"For what?"

"The weather cold right now. You need to take care of yourself. So,use that heat pack"

"And for pepper spray. Bring it everywhere. Incase there's weird guy approach you again"

Why she's so nice? Is she stupid or what? I didn't deserve this.

"Why you did this to me?"

"Because I care about you"

"And I know Jay and Jonghyeong don't want to see you being sick or have something bad happen to you"

"We always care about you. You are never alone,Taehee"She grabbed my hands and caressed it.

I pulled my hands away from her. "What are you doing?"

"You know how I hate you right? I always tried to ruin your life and I did and you still being nice to me"

"Stop make me feel guilty!"

"I knew you did it because you felt alone. I'm sorry because I took the twin away from you."She smiled. My heart hurts.

"I will never disturb them or you anymore. Don't worry okay?"

"You may go to them again. Please be happy again"

"I realized who I am and I don't deserve them"

No,something didn't feel right. I should be happy but why I'm the one who feels hurt right now.

She was the one who gave me the warmth. No one ever cares about me. She always accompany me when I'm going to eat and she also was the one who saved me from those jerks.

"Fuck you Jeon Yeseul"I cursed at her.

"Stop saying you don't deserve them. I'm the one who don't deserve them"

"And Jay. Please make up with him. He really loves you"

She looked at me. Her eyes softened. "But-"


"If you make him cry or something. I will come at you and make you life miserable"

"I loved him but I realized how he's very in love with you"

"I didn't realize what I did to you hurted him too"

"That's why,I don't deserve him. Do you get it?"I rolled my eyes as I sipped my drink.

She laughed. "I'm sorry for laughing but thanks for telling me the truth"

"I knew how it feels to be alone and having absent parents"

"My parents divorced and I live with my mom but she's always busy so I'm all alone"

I widened my eyes. I never knew about that. So,we both have the same problem.

"I'm so sorry Yeseul for hurting you and ruining your life"

"I forgive you"She smiled at me.

"I will always be here with you. You're not alone okay? I'm here."

"And I will always accompany you to eat at your favorite restaurant"She chuckled at me.

"Well,if you said that. Then,you need to keep your words"I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Let's be friends"She said


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