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After spending time with Jay a whole night watching stars at the nearer beach. We finally decided to head back home. Jonghyeong must be worried at us since we didn't get home last night and now it's already morning too.

"Hey,we are back. Where are you?"Jay said as he entered the house.

"Where have you been last night?"Jonghyeong asked. His face looks so serious. Oops,it's look like someone is mad.

Jonghyeong looked at me. "With Yeseul?"

I smiled at him. "Good morning,Jonghyeong"

"Good morning too,love"

Jay looked at him with a disgusting face. "Ew"

If Jonghyeong knows about what happened to us last night. What will he react?

"By the way,your girlfriend is here"Jonghyeong said as he pointed at Jay's room.


"Excuse me? Who?"Jay asked him. He looks so confused right now.

"Hey,get out from the room stupid. He's back!"Jonghyeong shouted.

"Ah,alright alright. Wait"I heard a girl's voice came out from the room.

I looked at Jay. Wanting for an explanation. But he doesn't even looking at me.

"Hey,long time no see babe"The girl said as she came out from the room. She's so pretty.

Babe? Who is she? What relationship do she have with Jay?

"Oh,Taehee"Jay said shortly as he saw the girl.

"Look! You made her wait for you for a whole night! You're a bad guy Jay"Jonghyeong said and hit his shoulder.

"Uhm,who is she? Your friend?"She looked at me with a curious face.

Shit. I didn't wear any makeup. She saw my ugly face.

I want to disappear right now.

"Yes,my friend. Jeon Yeseul"He said plainly with his cold face.

My friend


Why I'm so sensitive right now? It's not like I didn't agree to date him secretly last night. Why did I agreed with him in the first place?

I want to cry.

"Sorry to say this but I need to go home now"I said and went to Jay's room to take my stuff.

"Do you need help?"Jay asked me.


I entered his room and saw a big luggage. It's probably Taehee's luggage.

Now,I'm overthinking. He lets other girls sleep in his room? So,I'm not the only one? What a player.

Am I doing a right decision to date him? He looks like a walking red flag right now.

"Yeseul,are you okay?" Jonghyeong asked me. He leaned on the door.


"Are you sure?"


"I will explain to you about her. Don't be like this"I know he tried to comfort me. Honestly,I really need it.

"Nah,it's okay. I need to go home right now. My mom will be worried at me"I lied. My mom still busy with her work.

"Do you need a ride?"

"That's okay,I can go by myself. You should go to her. She's your guest. Don't be rude to your guest"I said and fake smiled.

I'm scrolling through my gallery,looking at those pictures that we took that time.

Our first kiss,our first selca,our first time watching stars at the beach.

I already missed him.

So,this is what they called 'madly in love' ?

I'm jealous with that girl. She's so pretty and I'm insecure.

She's all natural beauty while me,I need to put some makeup on to make me look pretty.

"By the way,your girlfriend is here"

"Hey,long time no see babe"

"Yes,my friend. Jeon Yeseul"

Jay. I really need an explanation right now. Please don't make me overthinking about this.

Suddenly,my phone is ringing. A signal for someone who is calling me. I'm too surprised and accidentally threw my phone.

I took my phone immediately and see the caller's name.


Oh,it's Jay.

I hesitated to pick up the call but I picked it up.


"Where are you? Are you okay love? I'm sorry"

I'm almost crying when I heard his voice.

"I'm okay"

"No,you are not"

"Come out outside right now"

Huh? Outside? Is he here? At my house?

I got up from the couch and went to main door to open it.

Then,I saw Jay bringing a bouquet of flowers and a big plastic bag.

Wait,he's allergic to a flower. Is he okay?

"I'm sorry about the morning earlier. I should explain it to you"He said and made a sad puppy look. God,my weakness.

I didn't say anything.

"I know I'm a bad person and you have your rights to be mad at me"

"You're not a bad person,you're just a bad boyfriend"

He curled into a smile. "Yes I am.

"By the way,you said you're allergic to flowers. Are you okay? Give me that"I said and took the bouquet from him.

"Yes,I'm allergic to it"

"Then,why you bought it?"

"I bought it for my princess because I made her upset earlier"He said and smiled. This man...

"Princess my ass. You might die,Jay"

"I would sacrifice myself just for my princess. A little allergic won't hurt me,I guess? As long as my princess forgive me"

"Then,what is that?"I pointed at the plastic bag.

"This? Your favorite food"

"Huh? What is it?"

"Tteokboki from your favorite stall"

"What? Is that from Mrs.Jung's stall?"This man amazed me everyday. How did he know that I like to eat tteokboki from that stall?

"Yes my dear"

"Okay,you are forgiven"I said to him and hugged him.

"By the way,I'm freezing right now. Can I come in?"He said,whispering in my ear.

"Sure,sneaky boy"

Hiiii! Again,thanks for supporting this story! We almost reached 3k reads now!

I want to cry! This story is super shitty but i think some of you really liked it.

I'm sorry for slow update. This week is my exam week so I'm busy af right now ')

Pls,I'm supposed to study right now but I wrote this chapter instead! Hahahahaha.

Anyways,pls don't forget to vote and comment okay!

Love you xx

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