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"Hey,where are you?!"

Huh? Who the hell is calling me right now?

I looked at my phone.

Sooah my girl ><

"Oh,hey. What do you mean by 'where are you'?"

"Did you forget that we have school today?"

"Jeon Yeseul..You did not-"


How can I forget that I have school today? You're done Jeon Yeseul. You're done.

"Yeah,I'm going to get ready now. Wait for me and please cover for me. I will go to school as soon as possible"

Oh shit. I'm late. How I supposed to do right now?

I quickly ran to school as fast as I could. I even couldn't do my hair properly. My uniform? Well,messy just like me.

Whatever. I will never skip school. I can't be dumb and I don't want to be my parents' burden anymore.

"Ah,finally. I arrived!"I said as I looked at the school's building.

Now,there's one problem. The main gate already closed and I need to climb up the back gate.

How I supposed to climb this gate?

"Dumbo? Is that you?"

I saw Jay parked his bike near the gate.

"Are you late too?"I asked him.

"Well,yes. I guess?"

I think this is my first time I saw Jay came late to school.


"That's not the problem. We need to climb this gate now. Our first period is going to start soon"Jay said and took his backpack.


"What again? Faster. We are already late,love"Jay looked at me and suddenly holding my hand.

"I don't know how to climb"

"Oh. I will help you"He said and pulled my hand.


"Firstly,give me your backpack"He said and I just did whatever he said.

He suddenly threw my backpack at the other side of the gate and threw his backpack as well.

"Jay? What the hell? What are you doing?!"I said panickedly.

"Trust me,dumbo"He said and suddenly lifted me up.

"Ja-Jay?!"I was surprised by his action.

"Now,put your foot on that thing. You need to support yourself or you will fall"

I did what he told me to. Is it okay to trust him? What if I fall?

"Good job. Now,try to climb to the other side. And sit on the wall and wait for me"

I hesitated to that but looked at Jay who kept encouraging me.

"Don't look at under my skirt or I will kill you"I slowly climb up to the other side like what he told me to do.

"I'm not that pervert,babygirl"He replied and rolled his eyes.

If I fall and die. He needs to responsible for this because this is his idea.

"See? It's not that hard okay?"He said and climbed up.

After a few seconds,he already on the wall. He climbed up effortlessly. What the heck?

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