||Chapter Seventeen||

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||The Plan||

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||The Plan||


Knox and Bucky stayed in that position for a few more seconds before Bucky shot up with a tear stained face. "Get dressed, Doll. We're going on a date." He said as he wiped away his tears.

Before Bucky walked out, Knox grabbed this wrist. He looked her in the eyes. "Come here." She said in a soft tone, she pulled him closer. Her hands traveled to the back of his head, she played with his hair before pulling him in. The kiss was passionate, soft, and it was being used as words. It was Knox telling Bucky, that she is there for him, that she loves him, that she is going to support him no matter what.

He pulled away, giving her a soft nod before leaving her to get dressed. She put on a new outfit, a black long sleeve and black pants (of course with a black belt) and a chain to complete it. Hell she even put on black combat boots.

It's was getting late, and darkness was setting in. Knox did her makeup, not too much and walked out the door. She found Bucky waiting for her and she assumed he had gotten ready when she was in the bathroom doing her makeup.

"You look just perfect." He said as she walked up to him, his arm snaking around her waist.

"You look absolutely handsome." Knox complemented back, making Bucky feel loved.

The two walked to the car and they drove off, getting out at a nice, but not fancy restaurant.

Bucky opened the door for Knox, even making sure to bow to her. They laughed, as they walked into the restaurant.

When they walked in Knox was impressed, it looked to be a Five star restaurant. She wondered how Bucky was even able to afford such a place. The orange lighting made it a little darker than most places. Paintings were on the walls, hung up and an orderly fashion. The paintings were old like, some that you would see in a church with angels that connected with humans. Knox felt almost out of place with her devilish acts, all the blood she shed. As she walked farther in, her hand ran across the big, off white pillars that seemed to be every 10 feet or so. It was only now that she realized Bucky had his arm locked in with hers, making her feel as if she was in a movie. A book. She thought about the clothes she had on and felt like she was underdressed, especially when other women in dresses would walk passed them. Their dresses would have jewels imbedded into the fabric, they looked like dresses that you would see in a Disney film. Not to mention their jewelry. Big diamonds around their necks, on their ears, around their wrists, and an even bigger diamond on their finger. Their fingers were connected to their husband, who's faces always seems to say 'I'm better than you' or 'I have more money'. She could already tell that the women were probably stuck up and pretensions.

She looked over to Bucky who saw her uncomfortable looks. He could tell she felt out if place.

"You okay, Doll?" He asked softly. She nodded as they approached a waiter, who had brown short hair and was dressed in a suit. He showed them to their table.

When they got seated, Bucky started to make small talk, not quite getting to the plan. He waited till they had ordered the food and it made it to them. Bucky even made sure that the waiter wouldn't come back till an hour, saying how his girlfriend gets anxious when people interrupt her eating.

"Knox." Bucky picked up a fork full of spaghetti, looking up at her through his eyelashes.

She lifted her head, humming a sound. She stopped mid chew causing Bucky to chuckle softly. He studied her face, her wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Her body was tense, and Bucky's face softened. He could tell she was on edge.

"Relax baby." Bucky put out his hand to meet hers and her shoulders dropped, and her body relaxed just like Bucky demanded.

He loved the way she always obeyed him. Well almost always. He smiled at her. All he could imagine at this point is how much of a good girl she is. He watched as her facial expression changed, she was biting her lip and looking at him innocently.

"You better stop that before I do something about it." He said just above a whisper. She did, and Bucky nodded this head slightly. "Good girl. Now let's talk about this plan."

She nodded, and went back to eating while Bucky started to talk. "I think we need to place a distraction bomb." Knox looked intrigued. "Get him to deactivate it, and boom I can shoot him."

Knox looked at him funny. "You sure he's going to fall for that?" Bucky shrugged his shoulders.

"We could have innocent civilians tied around it. You know how Steve wants to save all the innocent ones. And he would be waisting his time because the only way we could set it off is a button. Just put a fake timer on it." Knox started to get it now.

The more they talked the more it made sense, Knox even put a little of her ideas in there to improve it. When the hour had passed, the waiter came back with the check. Bucky paid it and then the two got back in the car, ready to drive off.

During the car ride it was silent, nothing was really said. That is until Bucky had said something.

"You know, I forgot to say just how beautiful you really are." His voice was sweet, soft, and caring. Knox looked over at him in the car and smiled.

"You said it at home." She traced a line from his arm to his hands, intertwining their fingers.

Bucky took in the silence, not that he didn't love to hear Knox's voice. He loved her with all his heart. Just sometimes the quiet is relieving, especially when you have a plan like his. He watched the road, running his thumb back and forth on Knox's hand unintentionally. He would look out the window to see the moon and stars, but turn his attention to either Knox or the road again.

Knox was tired, she had been worrying about Nathan more than she should. She doesn't like to admit it, but she became attached to him. The way the kid immediately bonded with her and Bucky, how he wasn't scared. He was brave. But she also thought was she really ready for a kid? Being only 19? Plus you can't forget about the life they live. It is dangerous, deadly and terrifying. Of course mixed in with a little fun. Thoughts of the kid and Bucky flew threw her mind that she wasn't even worried about her breathing being stopped by her thoughts.

The two were snapped out if their minds when Bucky pulled in to the compound.


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