||Chapter Twenty Eight||

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||Step one achieved||||Russian words||||Short chapter||

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||Step one achieved||
||Russian words||
||Short chapter||

Knox, Bucky, Salem and Ace were all suited up looking for people to take. They had to stay on the low, only leaving Germany to go to the church in New York.

"We should probably add some kids." Knox said as they walked around a park. A birthday party was taken place.

"Or maybe a family." Bucky said raising his eyebrow, smirking at Knox. They got their guns prepared and walked up to the family.

"Не двигай мышцами." "Don't move a muscle." Knox said as they got closer.  "или мы будем стрелять." "Or we will shoot." She threatened.

"Нет! пожалуйста, не надо! Это детский праздник!" "No! Please don't! This is a kids party!" A mother yelled at the four, all of them with masks.

"Солдат." "Soldier" Knox said.

"готов подчиниться." "Ready to comply." Bucky responded causing Knox to smirk to herself as she glanced at the other three beside her as they pointed their weapons at the family. When they approached the small family, Knox opened a portal.

"Привяжите адуты к кресту. У меня есть дети." "Get the adults tied to the cross. I got the kids." Knox demanded to the three men. They did as they were asked and Knox sperated the children from their family.

She began to write a note, then she turned her attention to the five terrified kids that were ages 5-12. "Я хочу, чтобы вы передали эту прекрасную записку Стивену Роджерсу. Это парень с большим щитом." "I want you to give this beautiful note to steven rogers. Hes the guy with the big shield."

She turned to one other kid that was not afraid at all, but actually smiled at Knox. She bent back down to the kid and went into her pocket and grabbed out a pocket knife with the words. "Ущерб и хаос могут изменить мир. хорошо это или плохо, зависит от человека." "Damage and Chaos can change the world. whether its for the good or bad, depends on the person."

The child smiled even wider and happily took the knife. Knox had taken out her phone and dialed Steve's number. Once he picked up, she left it with the children.

"Приветствую Гидру" "Hail Hydra." Knox said before walking through the portal then closing it.

"I distracted Steve, he'll be going to Germany soon. I left the kids with a note." Knox said walking around, getting the adults prepared.

"And what did the note say?" Salem asked.

Knox chuckled. "Dumbass." She stood back as she saw the absolute beauty of all of them tied to the cross and each other.

"Really?" Bucky said.

"Yep. I called him a dumbass." She smiled at Bucky who smiled back at her. Salem shook his head, proud but disappointed. And Ace expected it.

"Now I should probably find a way to let them know what building we're in. How about I put up a sign on the roof?" Knox said as she Portaled herself on the top of the building and right on that big white cross she put the words. "Dumbass." Across it in spray paint.

"Perfect." She dragged out before she went back in.

All of them froze when they heard the sound of something flying by. Tony's suit.

"Their leaving for the Germany park. Let's get this bomb to work fellas." Knox smiled once again.

She honestly felt like she was in charge of this mission, even though it's Bucky that's supposed to do it. But she noticed how he didn't seem to mind, she believed he likes it that way.

And she was right. Bucky knew if she was the one in charge, killing Steve would get done. Bucky couldn't chicken out this time.


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