||Chapter Twenty Four||

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||Secrets||*The suit is not mine!! I simply found it online!! I might take the time to draw my own, but probably not!!*

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*The suit is not mine!! I simply found it online!! I might take the time to draw my own, but probably not!!*

Bucky woke up and remembered that today is a Stark Party and he had his own plan up his sleeve.

Bucky got out of his bed, trying not to wake Knox. He put on a shirt and walked to the kitchen.

He began to get started on making pancakes, something he knew Knox liked. Half way through the elevator dinged and Steve walked through it, entering the floor.

"Hey Buck. So you going to the party tonight?" Steve asked walking into the kitchen. He leaned on one of the counters.

"Hello Steve." Bucky said flatly, ignoring him. Especially after the things he said the other day.

"Look I have given you space. For a while now. Tell me you're ready to at least talk about it." Steve said softly, a beg in his tone.

"Steve. There is nothing left to talk about. I'm not leaving Knox. She was and forever will be there for me. So much farther than," I used finger quotations. "The End Of The Line." Bucky mocked Steve's words.

"Buck. Please." Steve begged standing up straight.

"What is it that you actually want from me? Because I don't want to talk to you!" Bucky picked up his voice, getting annoyed and upset.

"I want our friendship back!" Steve protested.

"Oh! Wow! You know Steve? If you really wanted our friendship back then you would have been coming down here everyday to talk to me. No. The whole year I've been here." Bucky paused. "I've only seen you 5 times on this floor. And most of them was when Knox showed up." Bucky said slamming a bottle of mix on the counter before walking to the fridge to get a drink.

Steve got closer to Bucky. "Maybe if you weren't such a fucking rabbit hiding in it's dirt hole every chance you get! Maybe you'd see me more!"

Bucky got extremely close to Steve, right up in his face. "Maybe you're the reason I'm that fucking rabbit." Bucky hissed.

"Come on Bucky. You need me." Steve hissed back.

Bucky scoffed. "You wish." He walked back and went back to the pancakes.

Steve forcefully turned Bucky around to face him, trapping him against the counter. "How are you going to look like a new person. Not a threat, but a hero- without me?"

Bucky smirked, sending a chill down Steve's spine as well as softening his features. "You should really get to know me." Bucky paused. "Steve."

Steve looked at Bucky shocked at his words. Steve's eyes jumped between his ex best friends, trying to find a sign that he meant something else. Something other than he was becoming evil, that he never changed.

But he couldn't find it.

Steve backed up, and Bucky's eyes darted to Knox, his lips still formed into a smirk.

Bucky walked slowly to Steve, the smirk growing. Bucky grabbed him by his upper arm and got close once again. "Hey Steve. Guess what." Bucky asked, his eyes looking at Knox. He bent close to Steve's ear, just like he did to Knox that one beautiful night.

"Hail Hydra." Bucky leaned back to see fear on Steve's face. He chuckled with pride as he licked his lips looking at the mess of a Steve he just created.

Knox got excited and giggled. In one swift movement she pulled a revolver from under the cabinet and pointed it at Steve. With her still in her revealing pajamas, she slowly walked up to Steve, letting his anxiety sink in. She placed the gun against his head. "Let the war begin." She said smiling, then looked at Bucky, who found her beyond attractive at the moment.

He stepped back from Steve. "Now that our secret is out." Bucky paused. "We have somewhere we have to go."

"Who are you both really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Miss Hydra and The Winter Soldier. Of course." Bucky said as if Steve should have already known. Like he was stupid.

Bucky pat Knox on her back, giving her permission to go get their emergency bag, specifically for this occasion.

"You should really get to know someone before you bring them into your home." Bucky dragged out his time with Steve. "I was never mind controlled! I chose to go to Hydra! Because you left me to die. Never came looking for me. After all I did for you."

Steve tried thinking a way to get the others here, but he didn't have a way.

"They took me in. Gave me a home. And I basically ran the place after I became trained. I was feared. And they all knew my whole reason for becoming the Winter Soldier." Bucky walked right back up to Steve. "To kill you."

Knox came back with the bag and changed into her Miss Hydra Suit. It was black and red nanotech. Bucky always loved when she was ready for a fight.

"I thought you lost it." Bucky scoffed, already getting excited. The memories of them in both of their signature suits, creating chaos, flowing through his mind.

"Are you kidding?! I couldn't wait to get out of that dumb ass, no cover suit!" Knox exclamed, her hips moving beautifully as she walked towards Bucky. Her black hair resting perfectly on her shoulders. "Looks like you got some new villains to fight Cap."

"I knew something was up with you." He spat at Knox.

"No." She chuckled. "You were hoping! You want James all to yourself. Well, now you find out he's with Hydra. Willingly." She opened a portal. "Looks like he doesn't love blonde hair, blue eyes, basic ex friend now. Does he?" She teased before she grabbed Buckys hand and the two jumped down the portal and into their Forbidden Palace.


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