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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣 :


     YOU'RE JUST LIKE them

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YOU'RE JUST LIKE them. Vera told herself. You're not a Grisha on the run, you're an interested wealthy woman who simply wants a look at the great Sun Summoner.

Yet as she stepped along the crowded halls of the Little Palace in her new dress, she couldn't help but hold her breath. She ducked out of sight through the commoners, past the guards and Grisha with watching eyes. She had to avoid everyone and anyone who could recognize her. Even the royals had to be avoided. Lord knew the firstborn son would recognize her.

     It would be even worse if the second son was there. The two had been quite close after all.

Vera kept her head low. It seemed as though every person she had ever spoken to was there. Her biggest threat at the time was none other than Ivan and Feydor, Kirigan's closest Heartrenders, eating at a table (more like Feydor feeding his "better half" him while Ivan tried to move his head away).

She moved out to the end of the hallway, keeping her steps light for once. Usually, they were harsh and loud. It was an intimidation tactic that Kirigan had taught her after he caught her trying to walk quieter. "If they can hear you coming, they'll be shaking with terror before you even arrive."

"I just gave Arken his clothes," Kaz informed the girl who was staring at the ground. She hadn't even noticed she'd arrived at the meet-up yet. "It's time for phase two."

"Right." The blonde nodded, leading them back up the stairs and more to where she had come from, this time more crowded. Vera looked over, seeing his limping worse than usual. He didn't have his cane to support him, "How's your leg?"

"I'm used to the pain." Kaz was happy he had the time to stand in the stairwell, it gave him time to rest his leg. He returned her look with one of his own, "How's hiding your face?"

"Harder than I thought." She huffed, turning her head as they approached a wealthy couple. Vera could never be too certain of who she'd met and who she hadn't, "I hadn't realized I knew so many people here."

Kaz hummed, keeping his head low as well. He didn't want to bring attention to them either. "You must be pretty popular."

Vera nodded subtly, "You don't know the least of it."

They made it to the throne room, finding the party even more crowded. Vera separated from Kaz, moving into the crowd to try and hide herself better as she looked over the room.

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