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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 :


     THE CAFE WAS busy in the morning, with customers loudly making their way through the area

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THE CAFE WAS busy in the morning, with customers loudly making their way through the area. The sound of chatter and dishes clinking together filled the cramped warm air. Jesper and Vera were the only ones who had arrived, and they were beginning to think that they had the wrong time.

     "He did say here, right?" Jesper asked, looking around the cafe.

     "Yes." Vera huffed and looked to the window, pulling the curtain out of the way. "And he said noon, right?"

"Yes." Jesper sighed, sinking into his seat slightly. He looked over at the girl. Her hair looked brighter from the sun shining through the curtain, "You are owning that hair." Jesper piped.

     "Thanks," Vera sighed, sarcastically commenting, "I did it on purpose."

     A beat passed before Jesper asked, "You didn't actually, right?"

     Vera blinked at him with raised eyebrows. "I'm concerned if you truly believe I'm not being sarcastic."

     "Pfft!" Jesper waved her off but he didn't look sure, "I knew that..." Suddenly, Inej slid into the seat beside Vera. "Mm." Jesper put his cup down, jumping at the opportunity to move on from his embarrassment, "Started to wonder if we had the wrong time or place."

     "This is where Kaz left word to meet." Inej looked around the diner before lowering her voice and leaning in closer to the two, "So you know. It's worse today."

     "Worse how? We had to sleep on that novice's floor." Jesper sat back, motioning to his frame, "This body deserves a proper bed."

     Inej whispered, "Word is we also killed a constable." Her eyebrows scrunched.

     "A constable?" Vera echoed. "I don't remember doing that."

     "Me neither." Inej returned, shaking her head at the ridiculous scenario they were in.

     "What?" Jesper started with wide eyes, "I have so many questions. How? Why? Who? Where? When? I guess... Yeah, I guess that's all of them."

     "Last night, after you escaped from the wagon." Inej explained, "Constable Sem was his name. Shot with his own weapon. Stadwatch are shaking down every informant they know."

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