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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤 :


     DESPITE HER ANGER towards Kaz, Vera waited by the entrance of the building like a dog waiting for their owner to return from a long day of work

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DESPITE HER ANGER towards Kaz, Vera waited by the entrance of the building like a dog waiting for their owner to return from a long day of work. And when he did enter, she both felt guilt and satisfaction in how he looked.

It was like he couldn't handle himself any time she wasn't with him. Perhaps she should have gone with him.

His hair was freshly combed back as though he pushed it back before entering, his clothes wrinkled, and there was blood splattered on his face on one side from his nose to his chin. Kaz peeled off his large coat, moving to a table on the side of the room.

She watched him as he stopped, looking up to her. They simply stared at each other for a moment before Kaz started into the other room. They were alone in the building at the moment. Inej was gone, and Nina was still at Hellgate. Jesper and Wylan were still at the supposed secret home of Pekka.

"You look bad." Vera's blunt remark was heard. Even though it was an insult, it filled Kaz with relief to know she was speaking to him.

"Believe it or not," Kaz let out a breath, trying to hide his pain as he moved to the area that Nina and Inej had been occupying for the last day. It still had all the correct supplies, "I won."

She watched his actions with a tight chest. She didn't like seeing him hurt, even if he sometimes deserved a reality check via punch, "For what?"

"Workers," Kaz said, wetting a cloth before he tried to dab it on his face. He missed his injury by a mile. He'd be there all night if he was the one to treat it. "The Dregs have offered to help."

     The girl deadpanned at him. I'm sure they didn't offer, more so you beat them into it. She looked over his body. He had a little bit of a hunch, but other than that he seemed fine. They had apparently only aimed for his face. Shame. She quite liked his face how it was. Though knowing he had gone through a fight and won, added a bit of charm to his rugged state.

Vera nodded, standing beside him. He held his breath, tensing as he waited for her movement. "Do...Do you want help?"

Kaz looked at her, wanting to say yes. But then he remembered what getting help would be. She may have to touch him, "I..." He stared at her with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"I can try," Vera took a step closer, swallowing her spit nervously. As often as they were close to each other, neither had ever thought about it. They were simply always near each other. Now that she was advancing in such a private area, it was sending them both down a nervous spiral, "and if it's too much, we stop."

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