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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 :


     IT WAS QUIET as they got further from Dreesen's mansion

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IT WAS QUIET as they got further from Dreesen's mansion. And though Vera could escape the Stadwatch, she couldn't escape Jesper and his nonstop questions.

     "So, you and Stormhond, hmm?" Jesper hummed, leaning closer to the girl as he walked to the side of the pair. He was bringing this up for two reasons. One, he was genuinely curious about his friend's past. Two, he wanted to see Kaz get jealous.

Vera blinked at his tone. It was playful, almost knowing. But what could he know? "What?"

"There seemed to be a lot of tension." Jesper now had a sing-song voice.

"Oh." Vera mistook what Jesper was saying and shrugged, "He could be mad. I think the last time we saw each other he proposed."

Jesper whipped his head towards Vera, "And you rejected him?" Jesper clarified, his eyes moving between Kaz and Vera.

     "Um...Yeah." Vera tried to play it off casually.

     Kaz paid special attention to her answer, but only Jesper noticed. He decided to stir the pot even more, as he required entertainment all hours of the day. "Didn't seem too far in the past."

     Vera tightened her lips, thinking carefully before she answered, "No...It was. We were younger. He had a crush and proposed, and I didn't return his feelings, so I said no. Though sometimes I think life would have been easier if I said yes."

     "Stormhond grew up in the Little Palace?" Kaz called out, sounding strangely stiff. He couldn't bring himself to turn away from her, feeling like if he blinked, she would be back with the privateer, holding his hand and twirling the gem in his hand with a soppy grin on her face. The privateer behind her, holding her in a loving embrace. The thought made him shiver from how uncomfortable it made him. It also made him want to re-break the man's nose.

     Vera tensed slightly, knowing she likely wasn't supposed to reveal Nikolai's true identity. She shook her head, being honest, "Not there."


     "It's not my secret to tell, Kaz." Vera interrupted him, her chest tight. She didn't want to hide anything from Kaz, but she wouldn't reveal Nikolai's true identity. "I won't tell you anymore."

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