Type #61

842 111 66

Okay it is absolutely insane that I have gotten 2K more reads in the last three days.
And that the last chapter was updated yesterday and almost at a hundred views.

And that I actually made it to the Humor Top 100.

Thank you all so much!

I never thought I'd get to 20k so thanks a million times!

Love YA!


Type #61: The Mob

All my fellow mobsters know what's up.

These are all of the people who offer to kill off characters in the comments, or threaten them.

We all have seen these people.

They are called together by one commenter in this fashion.

"Who wants to help me kill her?"

"Anyone have his address?"

"Can we help hurt him?"

And much more.

So join the mob!

We have tacos


"Do you think they will realize the mob is just another part of the dark side of WattPad?"


Types of WattPad UsersWhere stories live. Discover now