Type #34

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Type #34: Devoted Fangirls

Now these people aren't afraid to show their fandom side.

Like if you can drop a Diet Coke off a balcony and proudly quote Percy from MoA you are dedicated

(Gods I need to find that comment...)

*After finding comment*

Okay here it is!


"I was drinking a diet coke when I read this. I spit it out and threw it off of the balcony. I was on the 20th story of a fancy hotel at a beach. I went and looked over the edge and it had landed like right next to this guy.


And he looked up at me and yelled back, "I AM A GOD YOU DULL CREATURE. I WILL NOT BE BULLIED BY DIET SODAS." I think it was Tom Hiddleston. I was in New York at the time. I will write this crossover."

Okay now that I've found le quote...


These people act as if the characters are real life people.

I mean like I legit plotted ways for a character to get out of a mess.

Like this ain't funny.

Devoted fangirls are loyal fangirls.

Unless the character does something unforgivable or unforgivably stupid.

Cause let's be honest.

I was all for that sob story about her blood vs her mate.

But the second she got slapped and still went to her father's side and became a power hungry bïtch I was ready to slap her.

So when her ass gets rejected I legit went to my music library and started playing No More Second Chances by MKTO and had a dance party.

Then she tried redeeming herself so I played Chaos & Piss.

And while she was on the road to forgiveness I played Walk of Shame.

Yes I made a playlist.

I also make book covers and animate so... No this is not out of character :3

Anyway back on topic these people are so devoted that even Chris Brown can't touch them.

They say things so deep that Adele could roll in it.

They comment things so relatable and heartfelt that Taylor Swift could write a song.

They bring the laughs and hope to the comment section when there seems to be none.

Like these people are the backbone of this community.

Where would we be without the fangirls casting out the haters?


Dam... I should make a book of this...

Wait- I already do.

So the devoted fangirls get the most feels.

They are so into the story that it's as if they're a side character.

They legit comment what needs to happen.

They are mothafing troopers.

They would personally jump into the book and kill a character.

Like these people are not to be trifled with.

Beware the Fangirls... Beware the devoted fangirls.

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