Type #72

631 69 19

Type #72: Whoever the Hell decided to bring spam to the messages


Just why?

Why you do this?

2016 happened and with it came the scam for gift cards with fake accounts.

It's bad enough on Kik and Tumblr but WattPad as well?


Honestly this is the bane of every somewhat social media platform.

They fade in and out, clearly, and make random appearances here and there.

OH and filtering that?

Nope, not gonna happen it's a simple delete and I assure you about a week or two later you get another.

Whether it's a fake fashion student try'na get money off of ads or someone assuring you that you won something, they're there.

Although I gotta give the WattPad ones some credit, they actually go and check if you have name set.

But then it's like "You don't know me like that!"

And it honestly appears as if they are all in a group project, had the same sentence for a lab analysis and are going through the thesaurus to make them all look different enough but convey the same message.

Then of course there are those who slack off and end up with the same sentence with a different name attached to it.

Can I pro and con bots?

Can I fault them for their programming?

Nah, but I can sin the programmer.


*casually comes back in February of 2016, like she doesn't realize how long it's been*

I'm back!

It's 2016!

Happy hella late New Year!

Pokemon Go comes out in two weeks! (Are you gonna join any of the teams or just be an independent trainer is the real question here)

The Free Trial month is over, 2016 has officially begun!

More on the way :D

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