Type #30

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How do you like the new cover?

The old one just wasn't cutting it.

Type #30: Editing

Yeah that's title.


Just editing.


Cause it's a pain in the arse that's why!

Like Jesus Christ!

Can an author get and editor up in here?

I mean I was an editor.

I'm fine with it cause I personally enjoy it.

But authors who still got stories to write don't.

Not one bit.

And if that author is also making book trailers and has to edit that too?

May god bless your soul.


"In the arms of an angel-"


Editors are amazing because they do what we all don't want to do!

Make edits.

Like thank The Lord for whoever came up with that idea.

I mean they make the author's story what it is.

The contribute.

They are the fall back.

They're basically Grammar Nazi Repellant.

Yep that's their nickname.

Grammar Nazi Repellant.

Got a problem?

No judgements.

That's what they are I'm dead serious.

Cause if you got an editor the gns can't touch you.

It's like this...


Breman, Germany

"Nazis!" said Commander Fischer.

"Can I help you?" asked Mr. Schneider.

"Yes. I've heard you've been hoarding a Jew." said the commander.

"No sir."



"Okay. Then you wouldn't mind me coming in?"

"Of course not."


"Please sir. I beg of you to believe me. I ain't got no Jews here."

"Honey, It's 'I don't have any Jews here.'" Mrs. Schneider corrected.

"See I was afraid I'd have to shoot you, but a man with such a grammar nazi of a wife can't be helping any Jews." Commander Fischer said taking his leave.


"Come on, Mademoiselle Bianca. We must get you across the boarder and off Nazi territory." said Mr. Schneider.




Saving lives.

Two people at a time.

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