Type #33

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Shout out to @luv2writeandread

Type #33: The parents

Now in my opinion these are the best kinds.

I mean come on.

They're awesome!

Like they understand the fangirl struggles.

That's all a child could ask for.

I mean we've all been to that time where we are fangirling in front of our parents and they just keep glancing at the phone and debate whether to call an Insane Asylum.

But if they understand the struggle then we don't even need to be embarrassed or try to explain.

Like legit my mom is used to it and my dad ignores it.

But I mean come on.

It's still an awkward moment unless they have experienced this themselves.

Like for some reason I can perform this in public and not care cause it's not like I'm gonna see these people any other day.

But it's just the fact you live with them that haunts you.

Anyway, these people would be classified as the cool parents (IISuperwomanII anyone?)

You know that this parent won't take away your phone.

These parents sometimes evolve from the first time they catch you fan hurling and they go into "protective beast mode" and decide to follow you and start using the app.

Thankfully, one of the side effects of using WattPad is getting sucked into the site and always looking for the next book.

So your mom probably won't notice you made her unfollow you last time you said you had to check her phone.

Cause let's be honest.

If your mom or maybe even your dad catches you being like "The thirst is real", "Where can I buy and Xavier?", "Try ebæ.com", "Ima need some holy water and a bible", "Who wants to car pool to Church?", "BÏTCHES DIEING TODAY", "Hold my weave", "Hold my hoops", "I'm bout to kill this hoe", and much much more you dead.

Honestly y'all the best comment I've seen in my life was a PJO fan interacting with Tom Hiddleston at a private beach in NY.

Apparently yelling out "Behold the sacred drink of Dionysus. Tremble before the Diet Coke." leads him to yell back lines from Avengers.

Ah Hollywood.

You never cease to amaze me.

Vote if you've interacted with these people or are one of them yourself.

Now if you excuse me I need to complete the impossible task of convincing my BFF that ID has better music than the over produced shït that is 1D's music.

*Let the 1D fangirls rage begin. It'll only prove my point in a later chapter.*

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