Type #69

680 76 27

Type #69: Smut Writers

Aka all y'all that fuel about 60% of the fanfictions.

You people keep fandom a going sometimes.

You put the rest of us in awkward situations.

You risk your electronics being taken away.

Some of you do it as a profession.

Needless to say every single category on this site has smut somewhere.

And I know for a fact some of you have read it in the werewolf and or fanfiction category.

The smut writers possibly have the sexiest imaginations of us all.

Some of you are under high risks as you write it because of family members and I honestly salute you for doing what you do while your mama's in the other room.


I can't fix this.

No one can fix this.

It's there and it's gonna stay there.

It can't be done away with.

There is no healing unless you go to the convent.

None of you guys would ever do such a thing.

Do you.

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