The Five Top Bookdoms/Fandoms

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Type #49: The Top Fandoms

Sorry 5SOS, 1D, and Belieber Fandoms

In my opinion these are honestly the top ones, because let's be honest. Your in at least on of them don't lie.

But 1D you are the top Bandom.

5SOS since it's arguable that you are a boy band (which by definition you are, I'm just acknowledging you think your higher than that) I do not have a ranking for you.

Please figure out what category you are for a ranking.

Beliebers I will give you credit.

You are one of the founding Fandoms so good job.



Why do you get 49?

7 to the second power is forty nine and the Seven are the savior's of Olympus.

Everything I post has a reason I assure you.

Why do these fandom get their own type?


What do I mean?

Well if you make a reference to anything in any of the PJO, HoO, HP, the Divergent series, of THG these fandom member will appear out of no where.

They are like those cave and path Pokemon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

They come at you from all possible directions.


It's gotten to the point now...

That I worry that if JK Rowling really wanted to...

She could take over the world.

I'm sorry but it has.

I mean it would take three months but he would.

And if Rick Riordon, Suzanne Collins, Cassandre Clare, and Veronica Roth join her then it would take at most 2 weeks tops.

You know you fandom numbers are high when many people can testify to that.

I mean it's plain simple.

Make a reference and test this out.

I have five comment threads going on of these fandoms just off of a reference.

Flaws and Diagnostic are unavailable for any bookdoms.

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