Type #15

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*takes pills*

Sorry can't afford to fangirl and break my phone again...

Type #15: Those who write the scripts of YouTube videos

It's cold.

A morning in December.

It's a cold morning in December, New York, 2014, when I saw him for the first time.

His goatee was unlike anything I'd ever seen before.

He was the one, in the spotlight, all eyes on him for like 2 whole seconds.


He screamed in his heavy accent.

I knew where his heart was...

He truly cared...

He was the one...

As his voice barreled down the streets of Manhattan, I saw his eyes perk up at the thought of the cause.


It boomed from his throat.

I've never seen anything like it.

The passion, the drive...

The hat.

Don't get me started on the hat.

He was everything I aspired to be...

Tall, handsome, and classy...

Who like minecraf...

Who like minecraf...

Was up Sky Army?

Remember to slap that like button with your nose (huehuehuehue)

Nah but seriously

People actually write these.

The only reason I found this out is because my brother dares me to make him laugh.

So I type in "Goatee Chronicles" in Google Search and the words appear in four or five WattPad books.

So like a boss I click on that first search result, get out my LA noir accent and start reading in front of Golden Coral just to make the kid laugh.


Where my pack members at?

(That'll only make sense after Refugee comes out or you were in that comment section recently.)

So whatever.

But I give y'all props for listening to that video to write down the words.


FLAWS: If you have enough time to go back in a video and write this stuff than you obviously aren't using enough social media.

Diagnostic: The internet is a vast place.

Explore it.

Cause if you haven't been scarred by it yet than you haven't used it enough.



Me: Exactly why it's on Hiatus.

I can not write To Arms, ToWU, Refugee, and Letters to Siri, all at once.

All of which will be continued into the start of the school year along with IRL, like people one of them had to be put down.

And I need to change some things around in those chapters that are already up.

You ain't got no idea how much prewriting my àss needs to do.

Barely got any views on some of those too but hey!

When your creativity flows let it happen and if people want to read that's their problem.

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