01 • Hoseok Has Lost His Damn Mind

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🎭 Namjoon 🎭

"..and then before you leave today, make sure to confirm my dinner reservation on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Treblaine as well as with Fleur. I want to make sure we get a good table this time." I delegate errands to my executive assistant Hoseok while I finish typing an email.

Hoseok continues to tap on his work pad screen as he stands in front of my desk. Without skipping a beat, he replies, "Saturday is a no-go. You already have a prior engagement RSVP'd for that evening."

I pause with my fingers hovering the keyboard. Peering over my glasses, I study him for a second.

"I don't remember RSVPing for anything."

Hoseok doesn't raise his eyes from his screen. "That is because I did it for you."

Grinding my back teeth is never a good sign.

"What am I doing Saturday evening, pray tell?"

"Your twenty-five-year high school reunion is Saturday, Namjoon."

"I told you I wasn't going when the invitation came. Why would you tell them I was?"

Finally, Hoseok looks up from his work pad, nudging his glasses further up his nose. "Because you will be attending and you will look spectacular in your new suit."

"I didn't buy a new-"

Damnit, Hoseok!

"How much was this one?" I grumble.

"It is worth it. You should trust me more than you do. My feelings are starting to get hurt."

He makes a few keystrokes on his work pad, then with a shifty grin says "Signature, please."

My computer pings with the form he just sent. I open the file, sign my name, and return it to him with a sneer. "Must you always go against what I say?"

"I am keeping your future wife's spot warm for her." He taps on his screen again. "I am sure she would hate to see you in the wrong just as much as I do. Sign and date."

Another notification alert. Opening the file, I adjust my glasses with one hand.

"I am not interested in seeing any of the moronic teenagers turned adults that I graduated that godforsaken institution with in the least."

Hoseok snickers. "Someone wasn't part of the cool kids club. Here comes another one."


"The intelligent students usually aren't considered 'cool kids' because they are so intelligent. I was an exception as the honorary 'cool-smart kid', thank you very much. How many more of these are there?"

"Two. Then why don't you want to see your old chums? I'm sure they would be amazed to see where you are in life."


"If any of them have learned to read within the last decade, they will have seen my photo on the covers of any number of business magazines as well as most newspapers."

Being the smartass I am, I snap my fingers with a grin. "That's right. They can't read because they are morons."

Hoseok uses his index finger to tilt his designer glasses and peer over the black and gold rim. He pouts, pushing his frames back into place and brushing away a rogue platinum strand from his brow.

"You need a manicure before Saturday, Namjoon." He taps on his work pad again.

"I told you I am not going, Hoseok." I glance at my nails. "And my nails look fine."

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